- 0
Items randomly blanking out
#994 opened by capSAR273 - 0
Pawn arrow not appearing for Classic Era
#995 opened by norimicry - 46
[Announcement]: AdiBags is nearing End of Life -- Replace with BetterBags!
#997 opened by Cidan - 1
10.2 Minor Error
#996 opened by Kyreaper - 1
[Feature]: Reduce movement in bags
#999 opened by JRDK92 - 1
Shouldn't print deprecation warning in Wrath Classic if BetterBags doesn't support Wrath Classic yet
#1001 opened by fryguy1013 - 2
Can't Open Reagent Bank: Dragonflight
#960 opened by Kaoskitty - 14
Bank Bags - Reagent Bag Not Opening
#961 opened by GirlPlays - 1
Opening Vault results in nil bagFamily
#962 opened by SpareSimian - 1
Empty adibags gui when opening guild bank
#963 opened by stiffsen - 12
Adibags hard locks on MacOS
#964 opened by dbspringer - 7
lua error new update today 5/22/2023
#967 opened by Milky063 - 0
Error on opening bank in Classic Era 1.14.3
#965 opened by WhiskeyBravoHotel - 1
Hidden bag items are shown off to the side and sometimes over other bag items
#969 opened by jkemouse11 - 4
AdiBags won't open bank window, only bags
#976 opened by rickvdwetering - 0
Occasional error when using an item from the bag interface.
#973 opened by SargonStarblade - 1
[Feature]: Add to compartment menu
#974 opened by SpareSimian - 1
error lua
#975 opened by GnomeTW - 1
attempt to call method 'SetBagItem' (a nil value)
#977 opened by SlanDF - 0
Too Many Items Push Window Out of Frame
#978 opened by Neipas09 - 2
Currency Value Bug
#979 opened by Squimbert - 2
Adibags - error pops up when opening bags on retail
#980 opened by putladin - 1
Buttons black out when I have other windows open
#981 opened by tsmartens - 1
Right-clicking reagent section in bag sends to bank, not reagent bank
#982 opened by SpareSimian - 1
Frame:RegisterEvent(): Frame:RegisterEvent(): Attempt to register unknown event "CURSOR_UPDATE"
#983 opened by d4kir92 - 0
'AdiBags' tried to call the protected function 'Frame:SetPassThroughButtons()'.
#984 opened by N6REJ - 0
#985 opened by Typhosy - 3
wrong item displayed
#986 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 2
[Feature]: ilevel text options
#988 opened by nancikennedy - 1
[Feature]: Blacklist for excluding user-specified reagents from "Deposit All Reagents"
#990 opened by burntorangejedi - 0
Bags still auto open at keystone with "automatically open" unchecked
#989 opened by wheatbread - 2
error lua
#991 opened by Missratata - 0
Division by zero after login, PTR 10.2
#993 opened by mabnp - 1
New Error?
#992 opened by aevic - 1
[Feature]: I would like to be able to customize the currency shown on the bottom left of the bag
#1002 opened by lunamoth - 0
[Feature]: add Search options
#1003 opened by Kraystase - 12
Adibags completely broken in 10.2.6 retail
#1004 opened by kcoderhere - 1
#1006 opened by Tenuiis - 8
Update breaks all sorting
#1007 opened by cars11 - 1
Login/Reload Exception with ACE-Lib - bad argument #1 - same exception as in Betterbags
#1009 opened by tsracing - 0
Items in Bank are not showing
#1010 opened by Niduin - 1
War with beta not working
#1011 opened by Axejess - 14
11.0 updates
#1012 opened by glassleo - 1
adibags equipment manager It doesn't work.
#1016 opened by Pgmlwns - 2
Config seems to be missing on latest release?
#1017 opened by fronbow - 4
[Feature]: Not disabling the god damned addon completely when you don't have feature parity in the alternative.
#1014 opened by fatalicus - 1
Warband Not showing
#1019 opened by Devonity - 1
[Feature]: Ability to view Warband Bank
#1018 opened by AlaskanDruid - 0
PSA: Disable AdiBags Bank to get warbands open
#1020 opened by Acrivec - 1
Issue opening the bag generates error
#1021 opened by lipelipe2