Feature request: Artifact Power section
SpareSimian opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I put all my Artifact Power items in a separate manual filter section to make them easy to spot and process as they roll in. I keep one 10 point item unused to make it easy to drag new items to that manual filter section. I don't know if this requires tooltip scanning. If so, I can write a plugin based on the 3rd party BOE/BOA one.
I added an Artifact Power category to Consumables in the alpha release of LibPeriodicTable-3.1. To use it, add "Consumable.Artifact Power" without quotes to the "include" text area of a new section filter in the AdiBags LBT plugin (requires AdiBags_PT3Filter).
I threw a plugin together here. It handles Artifact Power, Relics, Champion Equipment, and Ancient Mana. https://github.com/SpareSimian/AdiBags_Legion
Another filter plugin also exists that incorporates artifact power items: https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/adibags-legion-filters. It was missing a few items which I added for myself.