Search not working v1.9.15
idrake88 opened this issue · 12 comments
Ever since 8.1.5 and 1.9.15 the search function is not working. I can type in anything and no highlights appear in the bag.
It still worked for me when I was on last. Are you receiving any errors?
It has not worked for me since the 8.1.5 patch, I have reinstalled it using the twitch client. Maybe I will try fully deleting it and it’s settings or something? I noticed another closed thread with the same issue so it’s not only me, but clearly not everyone.
Tried deleting it fully along with the saved variables and reinstalling. Still no luck with the search filter.
Edit: No errors are popping up when searching.
This is an issue with the recent AddOnSkins update, not related to AdiBags itself.
You should open an issue on their repo:
I can confirm the same behavior. Oddly enough, search works in my Guild Bank but not my Personal Bank or Inventory. Hope this helps...
I fixed it with ElvUI and AddOnSkins installed:
- /ec -> AddOnSkins -> AddOn Skins -> Disable Adibags
- /adibags config -> Skin -> Bag Background -> ElvUI Blank + Backpack Color (black, 0,0,0, with 33% transparency) -> ElvUI GlowBorder (Insets 1)
- Optional: Reagent/Bank transparency to 33% as well.
Now search works, and AdiBags looks very, very close to ElvUI' style.
For it to be perfect, allow us to modify the border color, and we're set :-)
You can simply revert the changes made to AdiBags.
To do this, replace everything in AddOnSkins/Skins/AdiBags.lua
local AS = unpack(AddOnSkins)
if not AS:CheckAddOn('AdiBags') then return end
local function SkinFrame(frame)
local region = frame.HeaderRightRegion
AS:SkinFrame(_G[frame:GetName()..'Bags'], 'Default', true)
for i = 1, 5 do
local widget = region.widgets[i] and region.widgets[i].widget
if widget then
if widget:IsObjectType('Button') then
AS:SkinButton(widget, true)
elseif widget:IsObjectType('EditBox') then
function AS:AdiBags(event)
local AdiBags = LibStub('AceAddon-3.0'):GetAddon('AdiBags')
if event == 'PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD' then
AS:Delay(1, function()
if not AdiBagsContainer1 then ToggleBackpack() ToggleBackpack() end
if AdiBagsContainer1 then
AdiBagsContainer1SearchBox:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', AdiBagsSimpleLayeredRegion2, 'TOPRIGHT', -75, -1)
elseif event == 'BANKFRAME_OPENED' then
AS:Delay(0.1, function()
if AdiBagsContainer2 then
AS:UnregisterSkinEvent('AdiBags', event)
AS:RegisterSkin('AdiBags', AS.AdiBags, 'BANKFRAME_OPENED')
Then you'll also have to add this line in AddOnSkins/Skins/Load_Skins.xml
since version 4.16 (AddOnSkins have dropped support for AdiBags):
<Script file="AdiBags.lua"/>
Sadly, this is something you'll have to do every AddOnSkins updates.
Which is the original half skin that was created for it because I could not get to the items itself. When I tried to do the items then it became a pain to work with.
My original comment still stands. It is far easier to support it directly in AdiBags and have perfect support instead of something that is half ass and can't even remotely get close to it. I had them skinned perfectly internally in AdiBags.
Mind sharing your version? Btw, why are you not using ElvUI internal functions and templates to skin the addons, for consistency with the overall style of ElvUI?
There is also a ElvUI version of AdiBags here if someone is interested:
I fixed a bunch of issues that were introduced and I plan to continue so it should be up to date.