Issues of the CPU usage
GnomeTW opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I use the AddonsCpuUsage in raid to see all the addons cpu usage.
Sometimes the ADIBAGS would use high cpu for some boss, and I didnt open bags in combat.
In Castle Nathria Raid,
I got 127ms cpusage for The Council of Blood, and 21ms for Sire Denathrius.
I don't know what caused it, and I got nothing error report in Bugsack.
Can i do something to improve it? Or this is its normal usage.
I don't know what would cause that. Make sure you're using the latest alpha release of Ace3 with your testing as that's what AdiBags embeds (a smaller subset of individual Ace3 libraries, to be more accurate). If an addon embeds a newer version of any library, they'll get loaded from there and blamed for their CPU usage.