AEmotes - Holyfreys Sound Pack from Holyfrey

AEmotes - Holyfreys Sound Pack from Holyfrey


AEmotes Holyfrey Sound Pack

This requires you to also install the AEmotes (from Holyfrey) addon available here:

"This will not work without it"

This will not work standalone, it is an add on sound pack and AEmote commands.
You can also add this to a macro and here is the lines you can use to get the difrent aemotes sounds:

HolyFrey's Emotes:

/ae holyfrey murluck1
/ae holyfrey murluck2
/ae holyfrey murluck3
/ae holyfrey murluck4
/ae holyfrey murluckdance
/ae holyfrey starwars
/ae holyfrey imgayiamf
/ae holyfrey kidnation
/ae holyfrey yourefast
/ae holyfrey dbmrunaway
/ae holyfrey moredotsmoredots
/ae holyfrey wehavevisitors
/ae holyfrey gordonwakeup
/ae holyfrey wakeup
/ae holyfrey sheeitboy
/ae holyfrey sheeeeit
/ae holyfrey cthunyouwildie
/ae holyfrey horn
/ae holyfrey dingding
/ae holyfrey readyrumble
/ae holyfrey strekenveps
/ae holyfrey welcomewhohave
/ae holyfrey welcomewelcome
/ae holyfrey bam
/ae holyfrey cookie
/ae holyfrey hic
/ae holyfrey huh
/ae holyfrey sneeze
/ae holyfrey jabadabadu
/ae holyfrey alldie
/ae holyfrey bipbip
/ae holyfrey mikel
/ae holyfrey dukenukemdie
/ae holyfrey notcominghome
/ae holyfrey diecloser
/ae holyfrey yougotme
/ae holyfrey elvthanks
/ae holyfrey wowcountdown
/ae holyfrey battlebegins
/ae holyfrey doingasolberg
/ae holyfrey slippinguoforme
/ae holyfrey litlebitscarry
/ae holyfrey jachancegirbox
/ae holyfrey jajathecar
/ae holyfrey jajadu
/ae holyfrey sax

Thanks to Codermik that have asissted to get this to work.