AGT - Automatic Goblin Therapist

AGT - Automatic Goblin Therapist


Ever had an annoying conversation with one of these morons who couldn't shut up?
A brainsick lvl 1 orc asks you every few minutes for some gold?
Whispers with "r u healer?" over and over again?

From now on your personal Automatic Goblin Therapist will do the job for you. He will do the full conversation for you - guarding your back AND doing all the treatment.

Every character who whispers you is added to the Waiting Room. 
A left click on a character in the Waiting Room moves it to Surgery where the last whisper and all further whispers are automatically answered by your diligent Goblin Therapist.
A second left click will move the character back to the Waiting Room.
A right click kicks the character out of Surgery or Waiting Room and opens a seat for new patients.

Good to know
To don't confuse the conversation partner the Therapist answers in a natural manner. He's typing 500 characters per minute. So don't complain about him.
Surgery or not ... the Goblin Therapist will not automatically respond to any whispers if you are afk or dnd.
Furthermore the Goblin Therapist will inform you if the patient ignores you.
Characters will be automatically removed from the Surgery and the Waiting Room after 5 minutes without any new whispers.
The Goblin Therapist is able to handle up to five patients simultaneously.
Configuration via the Blizzard interface menu.

ELIZA is a computer program by Joseph Weizenbaum, designed in 1966, which parodied a Rogerian therapist, largely by rephrasing many of the patient's statements as questions and posing them to the patient. (
I took lot of the source code from Michal Wallace's and George Dunlop's JavaScript implementation of ELIZA.