'Achievement GZ'

This AddOn sends an automatic messages like 'gz' by receiving an achievement event form your guild members or people around you and a lot more :).

It can also answer a received guild 'gz' after you got an achievement.

You can easily configure it to send different messages to your guild channel, party channel, simply by 'saying' or additionally whisper it.

It has a default delay which can be randomized before sending the message.

You can ignore special achievements by providing their name or ignore complete categories like all 'Quests' achievements for sending a message.

Please read the "Version History" section below for an overview of all currently implemented features!

The message to send can be modified to the embed the players name who gained the achievement, his realm and the achievementname to individualize the message, like

gz Hogger for 'getting killed by 1 million players' by just using gz %n% for '%a%'

A small AddOn to make your life easier even in large guilds ;-)

No configuration needed - works directly after installation with default settings!

Feel free to report bugs and feature requests!

Still looking for translators for esES, esMX, frFR, itIT, koKR, ptBR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW!

Leave me a message if you want to translate to one of these localizations :)

Planned features

for version x.x (ideas to be discussed)

for version 2.x

  • localization for all other supported languages (esES, esMX, frFR, itIT, koKR, ptBR, ruRU, zhCN, zhTW)
    You're invited to translate to your preferred language directly on the project homepage to support this addon
    (deDE (complete), frFR (partial), ruRU (partial) currently available)

Version History


  • added an offset to automatically welcome members as midnight isn't the best time to switch.


  • fix for deprecated API functions in patch 9.0.1


  • switch to game version 9.0.1


  • fix for new guild member welcome

2.2.2 big update

  • update for Patch 8.3
  • added a minimap button
  • added a "per player" settings tab. You can optionally define special settings for each player and also link their twinks to the main char to use these settings for the twinks also. It's also possible to enter the realname or nickname of the player to use this instead of the toons name (if you didn't solve this by using replacements already).
  • possible timeframes for messagepools like "respond to welcome"
  • global chatfilter implemented - can react on every defined default channel. Even on emotes or things said by monsters/NPCs.
  • reactions in chatfilter can be every slash command, so for example you can automatically add a tomtom waypoint as reaction (simply use '/way x y' ) on a monster yelling something (I used this feature in mechagon to set a tomtom arrow for special NPCs popping up randomly) or someone is saying something in the BG.
    Mechagon example (in german) I used in channel 'monsters': "Boggac Schädelrums=/way 55.64 26.37 Boggac Schädelrums"
  • you can limit the trigger to a zone, scenario, raid and much more by adding the zone name in brackets like (Mechagon) for the example above.

2.0.50 (release)

  • update for Patch 8.2

2.0.36 (release)

  • update for Patch 8.1
  • fixing for party channel gz

2.0.35 (release)

  • minor fixes

2.0.30 (release)

  • contains tested features and fixes from 2.0.15 to 2.0.28 beta (see below)
  • whispering of messages completly moved to "per player" settings

2.0.28 (beta)

  • fixed a bug with multiGZ
  • fixed some smaller issues with "per player" settings

2.0.26 (alpha)

  • fixed an issue with not sending multiGZ (only sends to first player)
  • added advanced blocking options (per player / per login)
    Thanks to Icedawg for this feature request!
  • added "per player" settings (per player settings always have higher priority as global settings)

2.0.23 (beta)

  • fixed a bug with "whisper to" names
  • stabilized and tested internal redesign

2.0.22 (alpha)

  • fixed a bug with "self GZ"

2.0.21 (alpha)

  • fixed bug with sometimes sending wrong playernames in multiGZ, if recognized more than one achievement in a short period of time.
  • fixed bug sending a gz in party, if someone posted a linked item in party chat.
  • redesigned whispering (removed whisper tab, added as feature on guild tab)
    (thanks for feature request to Xieje)
  • some more little improvements ;)

2.0.15 (release)

  • fixed a bug with sending a "self gz" if realm name contains blanks

2.0.14 (release) 

  • contains tested features and fixes from 2.0.11 alpha to 2.0.13 alpha (see below)

2.0.13 (alpha)

  • added a feature to send a collective message if more than one achievement is received in a given time (currently guild only!)
    Thanks to Icedawg for this feature request!

2.0.12 (alpha)

  • fixed a bug sending an own 'gz' if you have the addon 'bdCore' active
  • [new] extended support to watch additional channels for a forwarded achievement event (like Greenwall) with specific triggers.
    Configuration in the guild tab.

2.0.11 (alpha)

  • [currently untested] added function to react additionally on guild chat messages instead of real guild achievement events.
    May help with forwarded achievement events from other addons like Greenwall

2.0.10 (release)

  • fixed an issue with 'bd...' addons changing some internal behaviour of processing player and realm names.
    thanks again to Icedawg!

2.0.9 (release)

  • fixed a bug with "ignore achievements" when entered with square brackets (e.g. "[achievement earned]")
    thanks to Icedawg for reporting!

2.0.8 (release)

  • fixed an issue with the test function

2.0.7 (release)

  • fixed missing translations (leading to errors on startup) - thanks to azrahaza for info about that!

2.0.6 (release)

  • added customizable timeframe (from 0 up to 600 secs) to guild response instead of fixed 1 minute
  • added feature of multiple responses (randomly chosen)
  • some small UI optimizations

2.0.4 (release)

  • added additional whisper channel for a personal gz
  • added guild response for a received 'gz' for an own achievement up to 1 minute ago
    (just to say 'thx' automatically)

2.0.3 (release)

  • update to client version 8.x (Battle for Azaroth)
  • bugfixes

2.0.0 (alpha)

  • complete redesign of AGZ with Ace 3 libs (that's the reason to directly change the major release number to 2.x)
    (this will also lead to loosing current settings from versions 1.x and resets them to default values!)
  • selectable sound to play if an achievement is recognized
  • different sounds for guild achievement or other achievements
  • Debugging to 'Debug' chatframe instead of channel 'AGZDebug'
  • complete support of ElvUI
  • support of profiles (copy settings from another char)
  • support of additional parameters for guildmates (class, rank, zone, level, etc.)

1.1.0 (release)

  • optional playing a sound if an achievement is recognized
  • added a preview sample message option for checking replacements
  • fixed some UI issues
  • added global replacements to messages (e.g. to replace playername with real name)
    replacement supports regular expressions (for details refer to LUA patterns)
  • message pool to randomly send one message of a user defined pool of different messages
  • message preview (in tooltips)
  • if debugging is active, debug messages will be sent to channel 'AGZDebug' (if already exists) instead of chatframe to keep chatframe 'clear'
  • new tabbed layout
  • russian translation of options UI added (provided by Hubbotu)

1.0.7 (beta)

  • optional playing a sound if an achievement is recognized

1.0.6 (beta)

  • added a preview sample message option for checking replacements
  • fixed some UI issues

1.0.5 (beta)

  • added global replacements to messages (e.g. to replace playername with real name)
    replacement supports regular expressions (for details refer to LUA patterns)
  • message pool to randomly send one message of a user defined pool of different messages
  • message preview (in tooltips)
  • if debugging is active, debug messages will be sent to channel 'AGZDebug' (if already exists) instead of chatframe to keep chatframe 'clear'

1.0.2 (beta)

  • new tabbed layout
  • russian translation of options UI added (provided by Hubbotu)


  • french translation of options UI added (provided by golgoth_fr)


  • localization for german UI
  • localization files for all languages provided (feel free to translate on the project homepage)


  • finally fixed event issue with french client (thanks to golgoth_fr!)


  • fixed an issue with some achievement titles with special characters

  • added a test functionality
    just enter
    /AGZ TEST [Achievementname to test]
    (don't forget to enter the square brackets around the achievmentname!) to see if it uses your settings for the default message and the keywords to ignore

  • tested on french client


  • initial version