


Automatically responds to item price check messages using pricing information from auction database addons.

You must have at least one supported auction database addon installed for this addon to work:

  • TradeSkillMaster (TSM)
  • Auctioneer aka Auc-Advanced (AUC)
  • BootyBayGazette / TheUndermineJournal (BBG)

This addon listens to whispers, guild chat, officer chat, party chat, and raid chat for messages containing !price and one or more item links.

The response will include certain pricing information depending on the sources you have enabled:

  • TradeSkillMaster: Realm and region market value and minimum buyout. Region information is only available via the TSM helper application.
  • Auctioneer: Realm market value and minimum buyout.
  • BootyBayGazette / TheUndermineJournal: Realm and global market value and standard deviation.

On first use, AHQuery chooses a 'private' and a 'public' price source to query. Private sources are ones that provide accurate pricing data from locally obtained scans in-game. Public sources are community aggregated data that updates less frequently, such as BootyBayGazette.

AHQuery will select the first available source for each category:

  • Private: TSM, AUC
  • Public: BBG/TUJ

You can enable or disable a price source by using /ahquery toggle XYZ, or revert to the automatically selected sources with /ahquery reset. To list available sources, use /ahquery sources.
