GUI Auction addon for SotA DKP

To start an auction (or auctions) type /auction [link][link][link] A bid window will appear for each raid member and a special window will appear for the master looter showing all bids.

Raiders enter the maximum amount they would be willing to pay for the currently auctioned item and select mainspec or offspec. Bids are sorted and displayed to the master looter. Once everyone has bid or passed or when time expires (3 minutes) the master looter can declare a winner. AJDkp uses a second price silent auction, meaning the winner is the raider who bid the highest amount, but they pay an amount equal to the second highest bid +1. If there is a tie for the highest bid, a random roll among the tied bidders determines the winner and that player pays the full amount of their bid (as it is also the second highest bid).

SotA DKP is a required dependency for the masterlooter, but not for regular raiders. SotA is assumed to store DKP amounts in officer notes.- -