AlertMe - PvP

AlertMe - PvP



  • Options UI got some design updates
  • fixed a bug where it would show spell selection in interrupt event
  • fixed a bug when centering scrolling text frame


  • bar setup reworked completely
  • bars can now grow upwards and spacing can be set


  • glow presets can now be named


  • added new event: spell missed (resisted,....)
  • added new source/target unit: Hostile NPCs
  • v1.2.0
  • added castbars
  • added %targetName (player's current target) and %mouseoverName (player's current mouseover) to messages
  • cast bar

Full Version History 

Quick Start Guide 


AlertMe is a World of Warcraft Classic addon, mainly directed towards PvP. It offers a variety of alerts:

  • Sounds (pvp sound pack included)
  • Progress bars (used as casting bars or remaining buff duration)
  • Text displayed in a scrolling text frame
  • Text displayed in chat frames (for yourself only)
  • Chat messages to friendly players
  • Glow on friendly unitframes (enemy too if using BattlegroundTargets Classic)

...which can currently be tied to various combatlog events. This allows you to...

  • detect certain buffs and debuffs and their remaining durations
  • monitor dispels
  • realize when certain spells are being cast or have been cast successfully
  • trace interrupts and resulting spell lockouts
  • announce any spell casts or resists

...on anyone within combatlog range! Since World of Warcraft Classic isn't giving away this information very easily, there are several mechanics in place which will estimate missing parts as good as possible.

The addon comes with a package of around 100 pvp relevant text-to-speech sounds, which can of course be extended by your own sounds, using LibSharedMedia. A pre-defined profile with some example alerts can be looked into as reference.

Some Use Cases

  • Detect and announce important short term buffs & potions on enemy players around you: FAP, LIP, BoP, Recklessness,...
  • Alert when those buffs have been dispelled
  • Announce your own spell casts/resists to teammates
  • Play sound alerts whenever someone pops a cooldown around you (Perception, Presence of Mind, Divine Shield,...)
  • and many more due to the generic approach of the addon

More info can be found here: Github Wiki

Example - Setup

Setup alert

Example - Progress bar & Scrolling Text Frame


Possible future features

  • Icons for visualization
  • Enemy cooldown tracking
  • Communication of relevant combatlog info between addon users