



AllPlayed displays the total time played, rested XP and money for each of your WoW characters. It's just a snapshot of the current state, no history, no stats. You can look at the total time you have played WoW and be proud (or afraid ;-)).


AllPlayed is an Ace2 (now Ace3) re-write of an addon created by Riboflavin and latter updated to Titan AllPlayed. I didn't use any of the code from the original addons, but I tried to emulate their outputs as mush as I could. I really missed Titan AllPlayed after I started using FuBar and since the originals appear to no longer be supported, I rolled up my sleeves and did something about it.

Special thanks to Riboflavin for creating Titan_AllPlayed that inspired this addon. Thanks to next96 for the koKR, kuja and AndusBeef1 for deDE, RoyalHawk, Mars1491 and wowuicn for zhCN, s8095324 for zhTW and Orbital Digital, oXid_FoX and Beltza for frFR localizations.


I hold no responsibility if something breaks, smoke start coming off your computer or if there is a flood in your village. I'm also not responsible if your brain turns into oatmeal after looking at my code, but comments are welcome.


  • Show the time played and money for each of your characters
  • Show the elapsed time since the last login (off by default)
  • Show the total time played and money per realm, per faction or for all your characters
  • LibDataBroker support
  • ClassColor support
  • Display the rested XP per character (optional)
  • Colorize the names based on the classes (optional)
  • Display the class names (optional)
  • Display the character item level (optional)
  • Display the running total of XP gained (optional)
  • Display the location of the characters (optional)
  • Display the guild names (optional)
  • Display the time remaining until a character if fully rested (optional)
  • Display Valor and Justice Points for each character (optional) Deprecated
  • Display PvP information Deprecated
    • Honor Kills, Honor Points and Conquest Points (optional) Deprecated
  • Option to use graphics instead of text for money and currencies
  • Option to set the scale and the opacity of the tooltip display
  • Sort entries by name, level, experience, XP rested, % rested, money or time played (default by name)

Features Deprecated

As of v60200-1, the only currency that AllPlayed will cover will be gold. Support for Valor, Justice, and Conquest points will be deprecated as will all the other PvP stats.

Deprecated features are still there but are not available by default. If you want to enable them, use the following command and then relog:

/run AllPlayed:SetOption("show_deprecated", true)

What does deprecated feature means? It means that I will not do any work on those features and if they stop working, the only thing I'll do is to remove the code.

Initial Setup

  • Install the addon in you Word of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\ directory. There are no dependencies.
  • Logon with each of your characters to populate the AllPlayed data.


  • Display Information: mouse over the LDB or Minimap icon and a window will pop-up with the information
  • Configuration: click on the LDB or Minimap icon or type /ap or /allplayed to access the configuration menu
  • Move the Minimap Icon: click and drag the Minimap icon somewhere else around your Minimap

Change Log

  • v70000-1
    • Legion support
    • Conversion of the SubVersion repository to Git
  • v60200-3
    • Elapsed time since last loggin (off by default)
  • v60200-2
    • Code clean up.
  • v60200-1
    • Deprecated support for Valor, Justice, and Conquest points.
    • Deprecated support for PvP stats.
    • New values for the XP require up to level 90.
  • v50400-2
    • No real change, just needed to kick the packager
    • Last official release before WoD
  • v50400-1
    • Hack to fix a bug with GetXPExhaustion() in 5.4.7 when the toon s level 89
    • Use the new values for XP for level 84 to 89
    • Rows in the tooltip are now easier to read
  • v50300-1
    • Guild name (optional)
  • v50200-1
    • Ability to erase character data (useful when transferring a character to another realm)
    • Running total of character level (optional)
    • Detect faction change when login in
  • v40300-1 (include release notes for v40200-3 and 40200-2 that were never released officially)
    • TOC bump to 40300
    • Ready for Mists of Pandaria
    • Add the new XP values for level 70 to 80
    • Workaround for UnitXPMax() sometimes returning 0
    • Add the clock icon to the configuration display
    • Proud member of the Anti-globalization movement
    • Update the experience needed to level (still missing some values for level 71 to 80)
    • Added Valor token display (optional)
    • Ticket #17: New option to hide the tooltip when mousing off the icon (as opposed to mousing off the tooltip or the icon)
    • Ticket #18: add option to display characters' iLevel (off by default)
    • deDE translation by AngusBeef1, thanks!
  • v40200-3
    • Ticket #18 - Add option to show character item level (off by default)
    • Add option to sort characters by item level
  • v40200-2
    • Ticket #17 - New option to hide the tooltip when mousing off the icon (as opposed to mousing off the tooltip or the icon)
    • Ticket #17 - New option to set the delay time to hide the tooltip after mousing the icon or tooltip
    • TOC bump
  • v40000-2
    • Valor Points can now be displayed
    • XP to level values has been revised
    • Code re-factorisation to eliminate direct call to Global variables with the help of
    • Workaround for UnitXPMax not always returning a value
  • v40000-1
    • Support for Cataclysm and v4.0.1 (I do not have the official XP needed in Cataclysm, these will be updated after release)
    • Backward compatible with v3.5.5 (just click Load out of date AddOns)
    • Support for Justice and Conquest points
    • Use the same icons as the Currency windows
    • Justice Points, Honor Kills, Honor Points and Conquest Points have their own column
  • v30300-2
    • Important: the internal format of the \WTF\Account\<account name>\SavedVariables\AllPlayed.lua has changed. AllPlayed will convert the data but not the settings. Please backup your old SavedVariables file.
    • Removed Fubar support (use Broker2Fubar)
    • Use LibQTip instead of TabletLib for the main tooltip
    • Use LibDBIcon instead of FubarPluggin for standalone mode
    • Some work to reduce the memory increase when the tooltip stays open with a fast refresh rate
    • Use standard Blizzard menu instead of Dewdrop
    • Use Ace3 instead of Ace2
  • v30300-1
    • Added support for AddonLoader
    • Bumped TOC to 30300
    • Added libdatabroker-1-1 in the tool-used section of .pkgmeta
    • French translation updated by oXid_FoX
    • Ticket #3: Fix, the menu works again with the minimap button
    • Removed badges support (use Broker_Currency instead)
  • v30100-1
    • Fix ticket 1: Error on mouseover with DockingStation in 3.1 enUS live
    • Bumped TOC to 30100
  • v30000-4
    • Added support for Class Colors
    • Fixed http reference in the TOC
  • v30000-3
    • Not a real release, needed to make the WoWAce script happy
  • v30000-2
    • LibDataBroker-1.1 support (now works with Titan)
    • Display of the time played is now optional (default to true)
    • French localization (thanks to Orbital Digital)
  • v30000-1
    • Support for v3.0.2 and WotLK Beta
    • Added support for PvP honour kills, honour points, arena points, badges of justices and the BG marks. All of these are optional and off by default
    • Added graphics for coins and PvP currencies (off by default, does not work well with v2.4.3)
    • Support for the new XP progression from 60 to 70. AllPlayed will detect if running v3.0.2 and change the XP values accordingly
    • Class colourization is now on by default
  • v20400-2
    • zhTW localization (thanks s8095324)
    • Little fix with one of the sort functions
  • v20400-1
    • TOC update to 20400
    • Removed the Babble-Class library (no longer needed)
    • Removed the Ace2 branding
  • v20300-1
    • TOC update to 20300
    • zhCN localization (thanks RoyalHawk)
  • v20200-1
    • TOC update to 20200
    • deDE localization (thanks kuja)
    • Compatible with the new patch 2.3 XP needed for level 10 to 60. AllPlayed will detect that it is not using version 2.2.3 anymore and use the new formulas to calculate XP.
  • v20100-2
    • No changes in AllPlayed. 20100-2 was release to include the new version of the Abacus-2.0 library that remove the one-year maximum limitation for the date formatting functions.
  • v20100-1
    • Now use Babble-Class to get raid class colours (in preparation for the Shaman colour change of 2.1)
    • AllPlayed now detects if the BC expansion is installed
    • Option to use the pre-2.1.0 patch colour for Shaman (because I don't like the new colour)
    • /allplayed now call a dewdrop menu (I've stolen some code from Quartz, big thanks to Nymbia). I toyed with the idea of using Waterfall but in the end, I don't think AllPlayed would really benefit from using it.
    • Replace metrognome with aceevent timers and removed the metrognome library (thanks mikk)
  • v20003-5
    • New option to ignore character (no longer need to log with a character to ignore it)
    • Added a few missing localization strings
    • Added X-Credits to the TOC file for highly deserving peoples
  • v20003-4
    • New option to tell AllPlayed if BC is installed (default yes)
    • New option to set the font size (default 12)
    • New option to set the opacity of the tooltip background (default 80%)
    • New option to select the sort type. The default type is by name. Other sort types available: by level, by experience, by rested XP, by % rested, by money and by time played
    • New option to select if the gold per characters and total must be displayed (default true)
    • koKR localization (thanks next96)
  • v20003-5
    • New option to ignore character (no longer need to log with a character to ignore it)
  • v20003-4
    • New option to tell AllPlayed if BC is installed (default yes)
    • New option to set the font size (default 12)
    • New option to set the opacity of the tooltip background (default 80%)
    • New option to select the sort type. The default type is by name. Other sort types available: by level, by experience, by rested XP, by % rested, by money and by time played
    • New option to select if the gold per characters and total must be displayed (default true)
    • koKR localization (thanks next96)
  • v20003-3
    • XPToNextLevel now works up to level 69
  • v20003-2
    • Back to TOC 20003 (Pretend that you never heard about TOC 20004 please)
    • Rest is now calculated for characters up to level 70
    • XPToNextLevel works up to level 65
  • v20003-1
    • TOC 20003
    • Fix a problem with XPToLevel()
  • v20000-3
    • Note: You need to relog with all the characters for the new information to appear
    • Added a Show Progress option that display the fraction of the current level already done
    • Added an option to show the total XP
    • Added an option to show the location of the characters
    • Rested XP display can now be disabled
    • Percent Rested XP can now be disabled
    • Metrognome updates now happen even if FuBar is not loaded
    • Force an immediate refresh when options are changed
    • Fixed a few bugs
  • v20000-2
    • Back to normal hook (with true). It appears that post-action hooking of Logout or Quit happens a bit, well, too late :-)
    • AllPlayed now save the XP for each character (nothing is displayed yet)
  • v20000-1: Now fully compatible with WoW 2.0.1. Use secure hooks.
  • v11200-2: Added class colorization and class name (need to log with every character for AllPlayed to get the classes)
  • v11200-1: Initial release