Account mode, collecting all posible items of a character from a place cause the list collapsed with alts in the same place

milotic opened this issue ยท 3 comments


my druid have all items from several raids and alts have the minilist collapsed in the same places

The Dk have enchanting

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-28 160355

but the dk still missing this recipe:

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-28 160512

in other places the minilist works fine


It's likely due to these raids having no difficulty headers, and you likely have the 'Expand current difficulty' option enabled. So ATT checks for difficulties to expand, finds none that match, and everything else collapses.

Will eventually get to test this out and get a workaround for instances like this...


@milotic, I see everything collapsed, not just the Recipes. Did you do it manually or was everything collapsed on load?
@ImUnicke, was something changed recently to make minilist load collapsed? Or are there some categories that load collapsed (like Recipes here)?


everything load collapsed in some raids but only i already completed the all posible loot of other character.

example my druid have everything in both anquiraj, the rest of characters with tier set complete in anquiraj load the list colapsed ignoring weapons, recipes other non set stuff etc.

in grull lair my hunter have all items, the other characters like my druid load the list colapsed.

but in pandaria raids the list load fine because i miss a lot of items