Tooltips and interaction with other addons

halfreak opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Hello! It's not a bug report strictly speaking, but I've found an issue when using ATT together with ArkInventory, when a part of ATT's tooltip gets cut off. I believe it can potentially affect other addons as well. I've already asked AI's author about it, and he suggested a potential solution. So please have a look at the referenced thread, I've described it there as completely as I could. However it gets too technical for me very fast.

Love your addon, you're doing great work here! Hope this little issue can fixed somehow. All the best!



Where are you seeing cut offs? From what I can see from the tooltip and guessing the language I'm not seeing anything.

Alternatively we have a lot of people in our discord who use ArkInventory and don't have this issue at all. The most they had was ArkInventory causing tooltips to immediately disappear.

Will need more information on what it is your experiencing exactly and more examples. Our addon is built to be compatible with practically every addon (minus TSM which needs special AH support) so you shouldn't be experiencing any issues.

It's just based off the screenshots I'm not seeing anything stand out.


It's when hovering over some lines in the mini lists. There is a really obvious example in my second post in that thread. I can re-post these screenshots here if you want. There's also a detailed explanation of tooltip's behavior in the starting post. And even the pretty technical explanation of a possible cause by Arkayenro (the ArkInventory's author).

As you've correctly assumed, English is not my first language, so it takes me a fair amount of time to write messages. Please, read the whole referenced thread.


Thank you for your answers. Yes, it is this particular issue I'm talking about. Unfortunately, there seems to be a deadlock with both you and Arkayenro saying that your respective addons work as intended (which they do each on their own).

Well, I won't be pushing this issue any further, as this is not a bug per se in any of the two and it's pretty common in any modding community for some addons to be incompatible. It's obvious: different people - different minds.

Any way this is by any mean not a game breaking bug, and I'll continue to use both addons, as I really like them both. Good luck there!


I read the whole referenced thread. That's why I was writing my comments. The screenshot you are referencing was also thee first one I looked at trying to see what you were referring too, but I'm still not exactly sure what is suppose to be wrong. I'm not seeing anything in that example being cut off.

This is mine with all the diagnostic tools turned on. The top one is yours and mine is the bottom.

I installed ArkInventory on my other WoW Account with ATT and this is all I am seeing:

When you hover over it at first:

When you stay on it for some time


If this is what you are talking about this is definitely ArkInventory at fault. Many users in our discord mentioned it and it happened the same day they pushed an update out which was August 5th and people have reported it on their github at arkayenro/arkinventory#1079 . Reverting that version fixed their issue.

If that isn't the issue then could you elaborate a bit more with more screenshots / video of what is exactly and I'll try to reproduce it.


I provided feedback on the thread on their side as it is something they did in the 3.08.10 version they released that broke several addon's tooltips.


@halfreak That's part of the problem. Both were working perfectly fine until his recent update which indicates that it is something on his end. He pushed support to fix some tooltips, but not all. The tooltip that is causing issues ArkInventory shouldn't be getting involved in as it's not a hyperlink of sorts for items or anything. There's nothing we can do really to fix what they broke in their recent version, unfortunately. It's not that we don't want to fix it. It's just that it was working fine and no longer doesn't with their update. The minilist headers are custom npc / quest headers which in theory an inventory based addon wouldn't be injecting information into it and not sure why their item hyperlink would need to be involved.


i noticed that was a bit too simplistic as it causes refreshes in all your row tooltips (including ones with the models) which isnt wanted, so better code below where only tooltips with items are refreshed

row.UpdateTooltip = function( self )
  if self.itemID then
    RowOnEnter( self )

i explained what could be done in the thread on my side but ill make it simpler

In AllTheThings.lua go to line 6565 and add this line after it
row.UpdateTooltip = RowOnEnter;

thats it, "problem" solved, everyones should be happy


After talking about it with Crieve about this as well, we are trying to understand the interaction between ArkInventory and ATT's tooltip that is causing the issue. Those are custom tooltips that include quest information from Blizzard's API and our information (that are causing clashes). It's my understanding ArkInventory shouldn't be messing with these tooltips as they contain no item's in it to link. If it's items you are scanning as you mentioned on your github then there shouldn't be an interaction between the two.


@arkayenro But that still doesn't explain how the 3.08.08 update of yours broken it when both worked properly before which is the underlying issue of why an update with your addon broke functionality of another addon that were both working fine side by side in the past. Trying the fix you mentioned I'm still having the issue with ArkInventory installed (That and ATT Only), while on my other client ATT and all other addons I'm not seeing it.


it broke because i changed my code to do this so that the item counts, which take too long to calculate, could be added to the tooltip on subsequent refreshes once they are ready

if anyone does a GameTooltip:SetHyperlink then my mod will know because i've hooked that function

if the tooltip does no update (it or its owner has no UpdateTooltip function) then my code will resend the same SetHyperlink request to that tooltip every 0.5 seconds to refresh it

i can add some extra code to restrict the refreshes to just item, currency, reputation, spell, keystone, etc, types of hyperlinks. that should resolve the issue with the other types that dont need item counts but it will still leave your item based tooltips with the issue.