Draenor Garrison Build Plans not recognized as collected

StanoRiga opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Hi all.
1st: thank you for a great addon. This will ruin my live. I thought there's not so much left to collect with my main. I had no idea...

But: Im, experiencing some issues within the good old draenor garrison. It shows the achievement for herb garden/mines bild level 3 plans as "not collected" under the corresponding achievements for collecting 500 ressources (seeds/stones)
But I do have the achievements, and my buildings on level 3.
(see screenshot).

What I tried so far:

  • refreshed /att (shift klick on main window)
  • refreshed only the group
  • bought the item again (of course can't use it)

unfortunately: no success. Still shown as "not collected".
Any advice is apreciated.

Kind regards


The next question is, how long are you waiting do the manual refresh? Garrison Blueprints are delayed by Blizzard. When you log on they will always say you have 0. Then after a few minutes return the correct values. This will happen every single time you log on. Eventually we'll cache it to remedy that problem, but currently isn't in.
This was done about a minute after logging in. In the screenshot you can see the whole area is at the correct 2/2


Well, I'm now more than 15 Minutes in the garrison hitting the refresh buttons
But, since my login today the achievement was not shown as incomplete. So I enabled debug mode to show all things available and expected to find the achievements shown as in your screenshot.
But could not find the achievement anymore.
So I spend some time on the achievement list.
There are lots of achievements not showing at all. Lots of achievments I have done years ago with this char (like "visiting a friends garrison", or "bring your garrison to level 2") are shown as incomplete or never started at all.
This is really strange.


My next question is, did you earn them on that specific character? I'm assuming yes, but this has tricked a few people.

Next time you are logged in, about mid-way through re-screenshot your progress if you could please. Lastly, if you can go to your garrison on that *specific charactere, open up the Building UI and screenshot each page with the plots on the left hand side.

Sometimes it does that if we entered the wrong value for something, but I double checked and it's using the right ID. If you can submit all that information that'd be great. If it confirms you have (not that I'm saying you are wrong, but it's easier to everything at once) then it leads to another issue. Which looks like something may be blocking your Achievement API calls to Blizzard. In which case are you running any achievement related addons?


Hi. thank you btw for taking your time to help me out.

did you earn them on that specific character?

yes. (its my main). And double checked it to be sure.

open up the Building UI and screenshot each page with the plots on the left hand side.

Sorry, Im not sure if I understand correctly what you want me to do :(. In the UI with the garrison buildings, there is on the left hand side no page for herb garden or mines, as these buidling-slots are not optional.
As the achievement is not shown anymore, I checked the vendor who is selling the blueprints that were shown as "not collected" before. Now the are (correctly) shown as "collected.

So my initial "Problem" with the blueprints seems to be solved. But in general, for me theres a problem with the achievement list as it shows a lot of achievments incomlete that my char has completed.
If you want me to open a new issue for this, please tell me.

I screenshot an example:
Achievement: "Even More Plots" (Upgrade Garrison to level 3)
ATT: 0/2 = 0%
In fact my garrison is level 3

Example 2: Master Relic Hunter (for the Meta "dont call me junior")
ATT: 1/3 = 33% (wtf there are 6 steps to do?!?)
In fact: completed by this char in 2015

Last one: the annoying disco. Man, what a mess. Im pretty sure I did this thing only with my main warlock.
ATT: 65%
in fact: completed 2016 by main char

If you can submit all that information that'd be great

I give you all data that you need, but Im not sure which data exactly you mean :(

Which looks like something may be blocking your Achievement API calls to Blizzard. In which case are you running any achievement related addons?

I use Overachiever for my achievements. As I wanted to make sure that this is not the reason for my problems, I deactivated it when I started playing today (4h ago). All the screenshots above were taken just minutes ago.


You have the ability to purchase the Plot 3 version, but have you actually learned it? We track whether or not you learned the blueprint, not if you unlocked it.

What this means is the achievement grants the ability to purchase it which results in Not Collected still. Once you go to the vendor and purchase it for 1,000g (I think that's the price) and learn it then it'll mark as collected. Basically it comes down to, do you have a Herb Garden Level 3 plot?


[...]but have you actually learned it?[...]
Yes, I learned it. thats why I cant use the purchased item anymore (see white lighted "Level3" on my screenshot. I learned alle the plan available with all levels. I have the garden and the mines and all active buildings on level 3


This should be hopefully fixed in commit 6a875f4