Why is ATL taking over my cooking UI?

Pooterlicious opened this issue ยท 9 comments


ATL = not able to cook at all, it just opens up an ATL window for recipes..


This also happened for jewelcrafting. Could not see normal interface where you can craft. It came back when I shut off all the things.


I have to add my voice to this. Not sure what triggers it, but after a while ATL draws the additional window that would normally appear next to your normal craft UI, but in this case the craft UI never appears. You can work around it when it happens by doing a /reloadui, but it's annoying when it happens, of course.


I'm also getting this on smithing, fwiw


Me too. However, it only seems to happen when I add new recipes. Need to check on another toon.


I created a github account just to comment on this.
This is happening to me, too, on all of my professions in BfA. I don't remember if it started in pre-patch or with xpac.
/reload fixes it for a while.
It happens so often that I have disabled this addon until this issue is addressed. Hope it is soon.

EDIT: 08/20/2018
I am no longer sure that ALL THE THINGS is the culprit. This issue has repeated itself twice with ATT disabled. I had not learned any new recipes since the last time it worked, so I suspect that it is another addon that is tainting the prof window.

If so, it is possible that the ATT window was showing up because it was working properly in spite of the prof window not showing up.


Ah could very well be. Guess it's back to the binary dissection method of seeing which addon it is. :(


We've had a lot of reports in our discord channel that Fishing Buddy is causing a lot of the issues with professions. If you have that you could try disabling it, others said "Setup Skills" should be disabled too.


I do having Fishing Buddy. I was currently testing with Altoholic being turned off and that also seems to have reduced or removed the occurrences. Need to do some more testing though.

Edit: Actually occurred again. So next up is trying with Fishing Buddy turned off.


Fishing Buddy release of two hours ago: Some code cleanup that might fix the "disappearing tradeskill window" bug