Two mutually exclusive "Dragon Isles Engineering" quests

nictas opened this issue ยท 2 comments



There are two mutually exclusive "Dragon Isles Engineering" quests:

You can see that I've completed 72242 and can't get 70359 on these screenshots:



You can see in the second screenshot that the NPC Winnie Fingerspring is in frame, but does not offer me the quest. I tried to create a fix for this issue by adding another lock criteria to each quest. For example:

			q(70359, {	-- Dragon Isles Engineering
				["description"] = "This quest can only be picked up PRIOR to learning Dragon Isles Engineering.",
				["sourceQuests"] = {
					67700,	-- To the Dragon Isles! [A]
					65444,	-- To the Dragon Isles! [H]
				["provider"] = { "n", 192165 },	-- Winnie Fingerspring <Engineering Trainer>
				["coord"] = { 43.0, 66.5, THE_WAKING_SHORES },
				["lockCriteria"] = { 2,
					"spellID", 366254,	-- Dragon Isles Engineering
					"questID", 72242,	-- Dragon Isles Engineering

Unfortunately, that didn't work. Can you let me know what I'm doing wrong?


Pretty close with the lock criteria! We will add almost that exact code to fix both of these quests (with 1 instead of 2 since only 1 criteria will like you). However it didn't change anything in game because these DATA files need to be compiled into the compressed file actually used by the addon in game: categories.lua. This is handled by the 'Parser' which has several batch files to run for different versions of the game in the /Parser directory.


Thanks for the info @ImUnicke! I already knew about the parser but I was getting a strange Lua error that I couldn't decipher ๐Ÿ˜… Turns out it was the number 2 instead of 1 in the lock criteria. I thought that this integer represented the size of the lock criteria "list", but thanks to you I now understand that it's actually how many of these criteria need to be fulfilled for the quest to be "locked out". I've prepared a PR for this issue:

I was not sure whether to commit the db/Dragonflight/Categories.lua file or not ๐Ÿ˜… Let me know if you want me to remove it from the PR. Also, I'll try to prepare another PR for all the other profession quests once I test that they behave the same as the engineering ones and are also mutually exclusive. Might take me a day or two.

EDIT: I decided to remove the db/Dragonflight/Categories.lua file since I was getting lots of merge conflicts. I also updated the PR with all the other profession quests. I've tested each quest individually and everything seems to work fine now.