ATT Battle For Azeroth "Wide World of Quests" bug

Markuz1965 opened this issue · 5 comments


Hi there
I've noticed a issue relating to the "Wide World of Quests" achievement in Bfa.
I love your addon. I'm using it as the basis of completing all the content in WoW. I've recently just started happily using ATT to accurately track which of the 600+ World Quests I have completed in the six initial zones in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
I had so far completed only 14 in Boralus, 47 in Tiragarde sound and 23 in Drustvar and a few others elsewhere. I just got the "Wide World of Quests" achieve for completing 100 different WQ in BfA and now ALL of the WQ in ALL of the BfA zones are showing as completed. Why would it do that? Why would you WANT it to do that? Is there any way of stopping it "auto completing" the 600+ WQ I've not even seen in the game? ATT is now completely useless for tracking a huge part of the end content in this expansion. I'm totally gutted. Is there any way you can help?


World Quests and other repeatable quests like dailies aren't considered collectible because come reset or some time in the future, the quest will show up again, you can never truly "complete" them and ATT doesn't try to.


Hi Eremeir
Thanks for responding, but that doesn't seem correct. If ATT doesn't/can't "count" World Quests, how come they appear as "things" in the main and sub-lists? They were also "countable" in the Legion Broken Isles/Argus zones. There is a category in Outdoor Zones/Kul Tiras/World Quests in which they are "orange crossed" until you complete them once, and then they are "blue ticked" and the number completed in Outdoor Zones/Kul Tiras/World Quests list increases by 1.
You can complete them again but the ATT count doesn't change.
If they are not "counted" how was I able to track that I had completed 47 out of 137 quests in Tiragarde Sound before completing the "Wide World of Quests" achieve? After getting the achievement, the number ATT said I had completed jumped to 129/137 (it doesn't include other achieves linked to WQ).
All the other zones where I hadn't completed ANY, all showed EVERY WQ completed.
I think ATT thinks you only want to track WQ to get the achieve and then assumes you don't need/want to track it any more and marks everything linked to it as completed!
It did a similar thing with the "Family Familar" Pet Battle WQ achieve in Legion where you had to defeat 12 tamers in the Broken Isles with only pets from one specific pet family (160 combinations of trainer/pet family!). I used ATT to check which ones I had completed. As soon as got the achieve (only needing about 120 battles) ATT marked ALL 160 battle combinations as complete. Here its a much bigger problem.
ATT seems to think that getting "Wide World of Quests" means you completed ALL of the BfA WQs at least once. WRONG!
There are nearly 500+ WQs I've never seen – ATT says I've done them all. I can't check which ones I've done now. :(


ATT can track world quests, they're in the database like everything else, but repeatable content isn't collectible since the game automatically resets it after a period. They only show up as things as a source of something else that actually is collectible, like an item, or in your case, an achievement. You could use debug mode to see literally everything, including world quests, but they don't contribute to normal counts for the same reason daily quests don't.


Ah! I see. I had a suspicion. Thanks for clarifying that. World Quests only appear collectable (and remain collected) in ATT as elements of an achievement, is that right? In this case "Wide World of Quests". Once you get the achieve it's no longer collectable, so it becomes "completed" in ATT. Not brilliant if you want to keep track of more Quest than the achievement requires. What a pity. Hey ho. :(
Btw. I take it, using debug mode would show all the World Quests, but their "collected" status would reset next time they were offered?


Other way around in most cases, achievements or whatever other rewards might be associated with a world quest would be under the world quest sourcing it. You might be able to see a "completed by: x" tooltip on some world quests but it's not retroactive and might clear with a cache reset, but the quest itself would have a blue X indicating it's incomplete but repeatable so it would never be permanently complete anyway.