Do you want bugs reported from Alpha Channel users?
Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Feel free to close this if not. I'll probably just go back to standard builds of ATT. Cheers! (=
On load, in Era.
1x ...llTheThings/src/UI/Windows/Hidden Quest Triggers.lua:10: attempt to index field 'Categories' (a nil value)
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Windows/Hidden Quest Triggers.lua"]:10: in function `OnLoad'
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Classic Window Logic.lua"]:1582: in function `Load'
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Classic Window Logic.lua"]:1152: in function <AllTheThings/src/UI/Classic Window Logic.lua:1143>
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Classic Window Logic.lua"]:1195: in function `handler'
[string "@AllTheThings/src/Events.lua"]:212: in function `HandleEvent'
[string "@AllTheThings/src/Events.lua"]:221: in function <AllTheThings/src/Events.lua:220>
[string "@AllTheThings/lib/Callback.lua"]:22: in function <AllTheThings/lib/Callback.lua:16>
self = Frame {
Settings = <table> {
__attActiveCoroutines = <table> {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
SettingsName = "Hiddent Quest Triggers"
Suffix = "Hiddent Quest Triggers"
HideFromSettings = true
Commands = <table> {
CurrentIndex = 1
BottomEdge = Texture {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
ScrollBar = Slider {
RightEdge = Texture {
TopRight = Texture {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
Center = Texture {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
Container = Frame {
backdropInfo = <table> {
TopEdge = Texture {
CloseButton = Button {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
LeftEdge = Texture {
settings = <table> {
visible = false
relativeTo = "UIParent"
point = "CENTER"
scale = 1
resizable = true
width = 300.000061
y = 0
x = 0
movable = true
relativePoint = "CENTER"
height = 300.000061
backdrop = <table> {
backdropColor = <table> {
borderColor = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Categories' (a nil value)"
app = <table> {
OnClickDB = <table> {
OnTooltipDB = <table> {
FunctionRunner = <table> {
SpellNameToSpellID = <table> {
OnInitDB = <table> {
OnUpdateDB = <table> {
GameBuildVersion = 11505
events = <table> {
IsClassic = true
ClassIndex = 1
UniqueCounter = <table> {
Presets = <table> {
Colors = <table> {
MapRemapping = <table> {
CurrentCharacter = <table> {
SkillIDToSpellID = <table> {
L = <table> {
PhaseConstants = <table> {
__CacheQuestTriggers = <table> {
ObjectModels = <table> {
ClassInfoByID = <table> {
PresetTransmogs = <table> {
AllGamePatches = <table> {
CallbackHandlers = <table> {
ccColors = <table> {
NPCDisplayIDFromID = <table> {
ObjectNames = <table> {
Audio = <table> {
HeaderConstants = <table> {
ClassName = "|cffc79c6eWarrior|r"
Modules = <table> {
MaximumSkillLevel = 99999
IsRetail = false
AfterCata = false
Race = "Orc"
EmptyTable = <table> {
RaceIndex = 2
QuestLockCriteriaFunctions = <table> {
PlayerProgressCacheByGUID = <table> {
ExplorationDB = <table> {
NPCNameFromID = <table> {
Version = "4.1.10-7-g3c6dc17"
ClassInfoByClassName = <table> {
UI = <table> {
CommonAchievementHandlers = <table> {
MaximumItemInfoRetries = 40
ThingKeys = <table> {
SortDefaults = <table> {
ObjectIcons = <table> {
Windows = <table> {
ClassInfoByClassFile = <table> {
Level = 27
GlobalVariants = <table> {
Gender = 3
SpellIDToSkillID = <table> {
WOWAPI = <table> {
RaceID = 2
Class = "WARRIOR"
BaseClass = <table> {
ExplorationAreaPositionDB = <table> {
ActiveVignettes = <table> {
frame = Frame {
GUID = "Player-6104-0337B2D8"
NPCTitlesFromID = <table> {
ChatCommands = <table> {
MetaTable = <table> {
Settings = AllTheThings-Settings {
AccountWideQuestsDB = <table> {
FilterConstants = <table> {
FactionID = 1
Runners = <table> {
Faction = "Horde"
CategoryIcons = <table> {
SpecializationSpellIDs = <table> {
RaceDB = <table> {
HeaderData = <table> {
SkillDB = <table> {
Me = "|cffc79c6eGogowarrior-Nightslayer|r"
DefaultColors = <table> {
L = <table> {
UPON_COMPLETION = "Upon Completion"
EVENT_WHERE = "Where:"
ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_TOOLTIP = "This list shows you all of the functionality related to syncing account data."
AUCTIONATOR_GROUPS = "Group-based searches are only supported using Auctionator."
MOP_REMIX_BRONZE_DESC = "Bronze must be viewed in a Popout window to see all of the normal 'Contains' content.
(Type '/att ' in chat then SHIFT click to link the currency)
|cFFfe040fAfter purchasing and using an ensemble, relogging & a forced ATT refresh (in this order)
may be required to register all the items correctly.|r"
FLIGHT_PATHS_DESC = "Flight paths are cached when you talk to the flight master on each continent.
- Crieve"
1x AllTheThings/src/UI/Windows/Achievements.lua:89: attempt to index field 'Categories' (a nil value)
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Windows/Achievements.lua"]:89: in function `OnInit'
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Classic Window Logic.lua"]:1959: in function `CreateWindow'
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Windows/Achievements.lua"]:78: in main chunk
self = Frame {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
AllowCompleteSound = true
Suffix = "Achievements"
RightEdge = Texture {
CurrentIndex = 1
TopRight = Texture {
ScrollBar = Slider {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
Container = Frame {
backdropInfo = <table> {
TopEdge = Texture {
Center = Texture {
BottomEdge = Texture {
CloseButton = Button {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
LeftEdge = Texture {
handlers = <table> {
(*temporary) = -1000004
(*temporary) = <table> {
visible = true
description = "This list shows you all of the achievements that you can collect."
expanded = true
back = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Categories' (a nil value)"
app = <table> {
OnClickDB = <table> {
OnTooltipDB = <table> {
FunctionRunner = <table> {
SpellNameToSpellID = <table> {
OnInitDB = <table> {
OnUpdateDB = <table> {
GameBuildVersion = 11505
events = <table> {
IsClassic = true
ClassIndex = 1
UniqueCounter = <table> {
Presets = <table> {
Colors = <table> {
MapRemapping = <table> {
SkillIDToSpellID = <table> {
L = <table> {
PhaseConstants = <table> {
__CacheQuestTriggers = <table> {
ObjectModels = <table> {
ClassInfoByID = <table> {
CategoryNames = <table> {
PresetTransmogs = <table> {
AllGamePatches = <table> {
CallbackHandlers = <table> {
ccColors = <table> {
NPCDisplayIDFromID = <table> {
ObjectNames = <table> {
Audio = <table> {
HeaderConstants = <table> {
ClassName = "|cffc79c6eWarrior|r"
Modules = <table> {
MaximumSkillLevel = 99999
IsRetail = false
AfterCata = false
Race = "Orc"
EmptyTable = <table> {
RaceIndex = 2
QuestLockCriteriaFunctions = <table> {
PlayerProgressCacheByGUID = <table> {
ExplorationDB = <table> {
NPCNameFromID = <table> {
Version = "4.1.10-7-g3c6dc17"
ClassInfoByClassName = <table> {
CommonAchievementHandlers = <table> {
MaximumItemInfoRetries = 40
ThingKeys = <table> {
SortDefaults = <table> {
ObjectIcons = <table> {
Windows = <table> {
ClassInfoByClassFile = <table> {
UI = <table> {
Level = 27
GlobalVariants = <table> {
Gender = 3
SpellIDToSkillID = <table> {
WOWAPI = <table> {
RaceID = 2
Class = "WARRIOR"
BaseClass = <table> {
ExplorationAreaPositionDB = <table> {
ActiveVignettes = <table> {
frame = Frame {
GUID = "Player-6104-0337B2D8"
NPCTitlesFromID = <table> {
ChatCommands = <table> {
MetaTable = <table> {
Settings = AllTheThings-Settings {
AccountWideQuestsDB = <table> {
FilterConstants = <table> {
FactionID = 1
Runners = <table> {
Faction = "Horde"
FlightPathDB = <table> {
CategoryIcons = <table> {
SpecializationSpellIDs = <table> {
RaceDB = <table> {
HeaderData = <table> {
SkillDB = <table> {
Me = "|cffc79c6eGogowarrior-Nightslayer|r"
FlightPathNames = <table> {
DefaultColors = <table> {
1x AllTheThings/db/Classic/Categories.lua:14: attempt to call local 's' (a nil value)
[string "@AllTheThings/db/Classic/Categories.lua"]:14: in main chunk
appName = "AllTheThings"
_ = <table> {
OnClickDB = <table> {
OnTooltipDB = <table> {
FunctionRunner = <table> {
SpellNameToSpellID = <table> {
OnInitDB = <table> {
OnUpdateDB = <table> {
GameBuildVersion = 11505
events = <table> {
IsClassic = true
ClassIndex = 1
UniqueCounter = <table> {
Presets = <table> {
Colors = <table> {
MapRemapping = <table> {
SkillIDToSpellID = <table> {
L = <table> {
PhaseConstants = <table> {
__CacheQuestTriggers = <table> {
ObjectModels = <table> {
ClassInfoByID = <table> {
CategoryNames = <table> {
PresetTransmogs = <table> {
AllGamePatches = <table> {
CallbackHandlers = <table> {
ccColors = <table> {
NPCDisplayIDFromID = <table> {
ObjectNames = <table> {
Audio = <table> {
HeaderConstants = <table> {
ClassName = "|cffc79c6eWarrior|r"
Modules = <table> {
MaximumSkillLevel = 99999
IsRetail = false
AfterCata = false
Race = "Orc"
EmptyTable = <table> {
RaceIndex = 2
QuestLockCriteriaFunctions = <table> {
PlayerProgressCacheByGUID = <table> {
ExplorationDB = <table> {
NPCNameFromID = <table> {
Version = "4.1.10-7-g3c6dc17"
ClassInfoByClassName = <table> {
CommonAchievementHandlers = <table> {
MaximumItemInfoRetries = 40
ThingKeys = <table> {
SortDefaults = <table> {
ObjectIcons = <table> {
Windows = <table> {
ClassInfoByClassFile = <table> {
UI = <table> {
Level = 27
GlobalVariants = <table> {
Gender = 3
SpellIDToSkillID = <table> {
WOWAPI = <table> {
RaceID = 2
Class = "WARRIOR"
BaseClass = <table> {
ExplorationAreaPositionDB = <table> {
ActiveVignettes = <table> {
frame = Frame {
GUID = "Player-6104-0337B2D8"
NPCTitlesFromID = <table> {
ChatCommands = <table> {
MetaTable = <table> {
Settings = AllTheThings-Settings {
AccountWideQuestsDB = <table> {
FilterConstants = <table> {
FactionID = 1
Runners = <table> {
Faction = "Horde"
FlightPathDB = <table> {
CategoryIcons = <table> {
SpecializationSpellIDs = <table> {
RaceDB = <table> {
HeaderData = <table> {
SkillDB = <table> {
Me = "|cffc79c6eGogowarrior-Nightslayer|r"
FlightPathNames = <table> {
DefaultColors = <table> {
handlers = <table> {
s = nil
settings = AllTheThings-Settings {
ForceAccountWide = <table> {
RequiredForInsaneMode = <table> {
InformationTypeConversionMethods = <table> {
Collectibles = <table> {
sliderSourceLocations = ATTsliderSourceLocations {
sliderMinimapButtonSize = ATTsliderMinimapButtonSize {
Objects = <table> {
InformationTypes = <table> {
sliderMiniListScale = ATTsliderMiniListScale {
sliderMainListScale = ATTsliderMainListScale {
sliderSummarizeThings = ATTSummarizeThingsSlider {
sliderMaxTooltipTopLineLength = ATTSliderMaxTooltipFirstLineLength {
__UnobtainableSettingsBase = <table> {
sliderPercentagePrecision = ATTsliderPercentagePrecision {
AccountWide = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
Achievements = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
g = <table> {
headerID = -1000004
(*temporary) = -1000373
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
g = <table> {
headerID = -1000004
(*temporary) = 11
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = -1000060
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 120957
(*temporary) = 6124
(*temporary) = <table> {
q = 0
rwp = 90105
filterForRWP = 5
f = 4
(*temporary) = "attempt to call local 's' (a nil value)"
1x AllTheThings/src/Classes/Transmog.lua:46: attempt to index global 'C_TooltipInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@AllTheThings/src/Classes/Transmog.lua"]:46: in main chunk
appName = "AllTheThings"
app = <table> {
OnClickDB = <table> {
OnTooltipDB = <table> {
FunctionRunner = <table> {
OnInitDB = <table> {
OnUpdateDB = <table> {
GameBuildVersion = 11505
events = <table> {
IsClassic = true
ClassIndex = 1
UniqueCounter = <table> {
Presets = <table> {
Colors = <table> {
MapRemapping = <table> {
L = <table> {
PhaseConstants = <table> {
__CacheQuestTriggers = <table> {
ObjectModels = <table> {
ClassInfoByID = <table> {
CategoryNames = <table> {
PresetTransmogs = <table> {
AllGamePatches = <table> {
CallbackHandlers = <table> {
ccColors = <table> {
NPCDisplayIDFromID = <table> {
ObjectNames = <table> {
Audio = <table> {
HeaderConstants = <table> {
ClassName = "|cffc79c6eWarrior|r"
Modules = <table> {
MaximumSkillLevel = 99999
IsRetail = false
AfterCata = false
Race = "Orc"
EmptyTable = <table> {
RaceIndex = 2
QuestLockCriteriaFunctions = <table> {
PlayerProgressCacheByGUID = <table> {
ExplorationDB = <table> {
NPCNameFromID = <table> {
Version = "4.1.10-7-g3c6dc17"
ClassInfoByClassName = <table> {
MaximumItemInfoRetries = 40
ObjectIcons = <table> {
ClassInfoByClassFile = <table> {
Level = 27
GlobalVariants = <table> {
WOWAPI = <table> {
RaceID = 2
BaseClass = <table> {
ExplorationAreaPositionDB = <table> {
ActiveVignettes = <table> {
frame = Frame {
GUID = "Player-6104-0337B2D8"
NPCTitlesFromID = <table> {
ChatCommands = <table> {
MetaTable = <table> {
Class = "WARRIOR"
SortDefaults = <table> {
AccountWideQuestsDB = <table> {
FilterConstants = <table> {
FactionID = 1
Runners = <table> {
Faction = "Horde"
FlightPathDB = <table> {
CategoryIcons = <table> {
RaceDB = <table> {
HeaderData = <table> {
SkillDB = <table> {
Me = "|cffc79c6eGogowarrior-Nightslayer|r"
FlightPathNames = <table> {
DefaultColors = <table> {
Gender = 3
C_TransmogCollection = <table> {
RETRIEVING_DATA = "Retrieving data"
C_Item_IsDressableItemByID = nil
L = <table> {
UPON_COMPLETION = "Upon Completion"
EVENT_WHERE = "Where:"
ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT_TOOLTIP = "This list shows you all of the functionality related to syncing account data."
AUCTIONATOR_GROUPS = "Group-based searches are only supported using Auctionator."
MOP_REMIX_BRONZE_DESC = "Bronze must be viewed in a Popout window to see all of the normal 'Contains' content.
(Type '/att ' in chat then SHIFT click to link the currency)
|cFFfe040fAfter purchasing and using an ensemble, relogging & a forced ATT refresh (in this order)
may be required to register all the items correctly.|r"
FLIGHT_PATHS_DESC = "Flight paths are cached when you talk to the flight master on each continent.
- Crieve"
MINI_LIST_DESC = "This list contains the relevant information for your current zone, which cannot be found in the ATT database"
LOOT_SPEC = "Loot Specialization"
MOD_ID = "Mod ID"
FILTER_MINI_LIST_FOR_TIMERUNNING_CHECKBOX_TOOLTIP = "Enable this option to filter Timerunning content appropriately (only from the mini list) when playing on either a Retail or Timerunning Character.
NOTE: This option will only be available during Timerunning events!"
ADDITIONAL_LABEL = "Additional Information"
AH_SEARCH_BOE_ONLY = "Only Bind on Equip items can be found using this search."
COMPLETED_YEARLY = "Can be completed yearly"
REROLL_DESC = "Click this button to reroll using the active filter."
FUTURE_UNOBTAINABLE = "Future Unobtainable!"
SPELL_NAME = "Spell Name"
SOCIAL_PROGRESS = "Social Progress"
NO_COORDINATES_FORMAT = "No known coordinates for %s"
DELETE_CHARACTER = "Right Click to Delete this Character"
LOOT_TABLE_CHANCE = "Loot Table Chance"
QUEST_CHAIN_REQ = "Quest Chain Requirements"
COLLECTED_ICON = "|Tinterface/Addons\AllTheThings\assets\known:0|t"
VISIT_FLIGHT_MASTER = "Visit the Flight Master to cache."
Are you saying that the Standard Build works fine? I run directly off of our Git, so I don't experience any issues. I'll hop on and see what's going on in Alpha builds. (Alpha uses a different build pipeline)
@DFortun81 fixed it in 83f4fcc.
It will be solved in the next alpha release.