Since WoW 8.1.5 / ATT 1.8.6c, world quest tooltips no longer show any collection info

MatthewRyanRead opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Per the title. They're just back to the default WoW tooltips now in all respects. I'm guessing that WoW changed something significantly, since my other addons like Moncai Compare no longer show anything either. (Both ATT and MC work fine when mousing over actual items rather than world quests.)


Blizzard deprecated and removed the Tooltip functionality we were relying on for World Quests. I will look into fixing this for our Git sometime today.


Just in case it helps in some way. With the old 1.8.4 version the tooltips shows the "not collected" tip. The addon doesn't work, but the tooltips does.


until crieve is able to implement a fix that allows you to see collected/uncollected on WQs, you can type /attwq in chat, hit the update button on the popup ~3 times, and it'll bring up a list of everything collectible from current WQs that you need on your character. the /attwq list is based on your filters.

if you're looking for an explanation, the reason the addon is broken in 1.8.4 is because the world map tooltip functions. basically, the WorldMapTooltip was removed by blizzard and replaced with something called GameTooltip, so having code that referenced WorldMapTooltip caused the entire rest of the addon to freak out and not know what was going on. the section of code calling on WorldMapTooltip was removed (so as to fix the issue of General Freak-Out) but crieve hasn't had time to look into fixing the functionality with GameTooltip yet. all addons that previously called on WorldMapTooltip to collect information have had to switch over to GameTooltip for the same issue.

let me know if you have any more questions or concerns! if you're good, i'll close the ticket.


Thanks all, looking forward to the fix!