intense freeze/lag when mousing over Mark of Honor

supermonteiro opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Tried with nothing but ATT on, still has issue. Disabling ATT fixes it.


this is due to the massive amount of items (like, over 8,000!) linked to mark of honor. it's especially egregious when you have account mode turned on. the way i resolved this for myself is opening the mark of honor in its own window (use /att itemid:137642 or /att [shift+click mark of honor to link it in chat]) and scrolling through that window until all the items were cached. since i did that, i haven't encountered any issues with hovering over the mark of honor tooltip.


did you scroll slowly through the list to ensure each item loaded (like, not just SCHWOOP the sidebar from the top to the bottom)? the lag from the cursor is basically ATT trying to figure out what appearances are attached to the item, so if you load them that way it should work.

eta: the only other thing i know you can do is disable the "summarize things" option in the features tab of the settings, but that'll prevent ATT from showing you that things are containers/currencies, so it won't just affect marks of honor.


yup, tried that, took almost 30 minutes. no difference. maybe elvui is resetting the cache, i dont know.


the summarize things off "fixed it". I wish we could have that on a keypress, or add the option to ignore an item. thanks a lot.

PS: still an issue imo.


i tried that, made no difference for me.


Marks of Honor will always cause somewhat of a lag due to the tremendous amount of items you can buy with them. However, how long this take depends on your settings and your PC.

If you run something like Completionist / Main Only the lag will only be a 1-3 seconds. Account mode adds probably about 3-6 seconds at most and debug probably another 3 seconds. If you feel like it freezes more than this, it's because your CPU is probably on the slower end and isn't able to calculate quick enough.

Suggestions on how to fix it include: Doing as slumber mentioned and doing att itemID:137642 and then open the new window to reach the top of the screen and the bottom and then scroll through the list so you can see each entry. This process doesn't take more than 30 seconds. You would need to do this each time you login as we don't contents don't cached in containers due to them possibly changing through time.

Earlier you mentioned this process took you 30 minutes. How did it take you 30 minutes as it shouldn't take anywhere close that unless you are scrolling for 30 minutes. As this process really depends on the speed at which you scroll.

The other suggestion to speed it up, and not the recommended one as it is costly is to upgrade the CPU as you are probably using an old CPU or a newer one with low power and it's not able to handle WoW + several calculations at once. This is because WoW is a heavy CPU based game so it renders a lot of the resources for itself. It's also possible you have a low amount of ram (Probably <8gb) and it's not able to store enough in temp memory quick enough.

Crieve has done several optimizations to this function as it use to take most users ~10 seconds on average prior to what it is now.

As for ignoring an item? We don't have that feature in as you can either "Summarize all items or no items". There really isn't a "pick only this or that" type feature.


I tried mouse overing MoH and leaving the cursor there for a good 20 seconds, the freeze didnt go away.

My computer has a 9th generation i7 processor and 32gb ddr4, wow and windows installed on a SSD, so I'm confident my hardware isnt the issue.

I tried what Slumber said. Multiple times, in fact. The 30 minutes attempt was because i tried to left click on every single item, to make sure they were fully loaded. Not only it made no difference, if I have to do it on every login, it beats the purpose. I noticed the cache size of ATT going up and down, maybe elvui is clearing it constantly?

I have no idea what could be causing this. Maybe elvui or bankitems is somehow affecting it? I cant think of anything else.

I know you don't. As far as I've researched, no other item but MoH causes this issue. I could try developing this feature as an option, or just ignore MoH by default, if you would consider merging it.


Since you wanted this to stop affecting Mark of Honor, here's the change you need to make on your end to make the tooltip not work for them:
if paramA == "itemID" and paramB == 137642 then cache[2] = 1000000000000; cache[3] = {}; return {}; end

Place that in the GetCachedSearchResults function just before the local group declaration.
NOTE: Haven't tested this, so it might not work, but it should point you in the right direction.


I will test that as soon as I get home and will post the results.

However, what if in the future they release a new currency, or merge current ones into that?
Maybe the long-term fix would be to set a limit to how many items shall be cached when we mouse over. For example, set it to 100. If the user wants to browse the entire list, he would need to open the item window by typing /att itemId.


Nah, I know what the issue is. When I have time, I will fix it.


That didn't work. I tried some stuff and this did the trick:
if itemID2 and itemID2 ~= "137642" then
on line 1662


Since f8322db it should lag less.