Unagi Skewer recipe

FuxieDK opened this issue ยท 5 comments


ATT states that this recipe is bugged and GMs will grant it on request: This is not true.

I made a ticket, because of the text in ATT, and got this reply from a GM

Dear xxxxxx,

Issue ID: #67621271

Your ticket has received the following response:

Good evening xxxxxx :D

Never fear, Game Master Frichader is here to discuss and hopefully help what is going on.
Thank you for your patience. While it took slightly longer than I would have liked to get your ticket, I'm here on your case now!

I really appreciate the time you put into this response. :) It shows that you hold passion, enough to speak up and be heard! This is the first step to having these bugs squished!

In this case, you're running into Drunk Angry Murlocs not providing UNAGI SKEWER.

Your reason for contacting Blizzard

In some cases we run across something that is in the game that should be working, but for some reason is not. These issues are frustrating, as you are trying to work towards an end goal. This means something is stopping you from getting to that end goal that you set for yourself! As such, it is extremely important that it is looked into by someone with the tools, resources and power to make the right changes so that the in-game features work again. - In this, I look forward to working with you and am sorry you ran into this!

Currently this appears to be removed and it is unknown if this is intentional or not at this time. A request has been opened to check this.

As a note, I also submitted the exact same bug report myself, so hopefully more eyes will be on this now!

How was your issue addressed?

As you most likely know (and problably have used) a feature exists to contact this team directly so that you may communicate those problems that may be plaguing your gameplay! There are only a few points I feel are important for you to know before contacting them! :)

  • The type of concerns that are brought to this team are fixed on a game-wide level. This means they get their hands dirty, digging into the server itself to find what is the cause and how they can fix it without affecting other aspects of the game.
  • Fixes can be lengthy, the larger the project (with any aspect of life) the longer it may take, but they are determined! As mentioned above they must make sure their fix does not break anything else.

Now the real work begins for us! Not many know the exact steps that bugs take to get fix, but your ticket is important; I think we can give you a bit of insight to what it takes when fixing what is broken!
With most game changing requests, we need to open the proper ticket! This is where our Bug Reports come in. It goes straight to the Quality Assurance Department for fixin'

Submission Time!

  1. Click ESC on your keyboard, choose "Help"
  2. Choose Submit Bug
  3. Type out the details and click Submit.
  4. Profit!

Nitty Gritty Details on how your issue is handled on the back end! ;o

Stage 1: You open a Bug Report > Quality Assurance received sad report :(

Stage 2: Quality Assurance team verifies the report that was submitted, this can take 2-30days depending on what priority it takes, how difficult it is to resolve, and when a hotfix is pushed to the live game. - How much it hinders game play, etc.

Stage 3: After Verification, the developers get a hold of it, make the necessary changes and begin to implement important bugs into an upcoming Hotfix or Patch!

Stage 4: Things now work like they should~

I do greatly apologize you are running into this and hope a fix, or even a hotfix can come out for this soon!

If you have any questions please let us know.

Have a Blizz-tastic night and I do wish you well! >^.^<

Click here to review and resolve your ticket. If you continue to experience issues, you can respond to your ticket with additional information.

If you do not resolve the ticket or provide an additional response within one week, we will resolve the ticket automatically and you'll receive a final update via email.

Blizzard Support


escalate your ticket. there are numerous reports of this quest/recipe being bugged. if you're a member of the achievements discord, you can check out this link to see a screenshot of a player receiving the recipe from a GM/ticket response:

i got the recipe the first time i ever did the quest. some players report having gotten the follower that makes the quest available all the way to rank 30 and NEVER receiving the recipe, despite doing the quest a kazillion times. it's bugged, and has been a KNOWN bug for quite a while at this point (that screenshot from the achievements discord is from almost a month ago). unfortunately, not every GM knows how to appropriately respond to every ticket. they are not devs; they are customer support agents. escalate your ticket until you get a GM willing to play ball.


Do you have a link to something that doesn't require a login to some random site?


i wouldn't call it a random site; it's one of the largest/most popular WoW discords. the person who posted this is an admin there:



Well, I don't know what "WoW discord" is, I just know it asked for a login/password, when I clicked the link, so.... ;)

But I'll re-open the ticket and attach the picture you have enclosed, and see what happens.


Bare in mind that not all GMs are as helpful as that one, so you may or may not be successful in your inquiry. In some cases, I had to escalate my ticket 3 times before I had one that was willing to do as I asked. As this is not an issue with ATT specifically and more so with Blizzard Development and lack of Customer Service, I'm going to close this ticket.