Garrison Hearthstone always causes disconnect with ATT installed

astradamus opened this issue · 12 comments


Load screen takes a very long time then eventually kicks to login with generic disconnect message. Upon reconnecting, character remains at origin point and hearthstone is not on cooldown. Happens every time, no matter what, requiring one to disable the mod, use the stone, then re-enable the mod after the rather fast ATT-free load.

This also happens to Asmongold, in fact if it wasn't for seeing it happen to him on stream I wouldn't have realized the cause/solution.


Going to close this since I've never heard of any complaints concerning this issue for quite some time. Hopefully enough logic improvements have found their way into ATT such that users experiencing this issue will no longer experience it on more recent versions of ATT.

Otherwise please re-open this issue with as much evidence of it being an ATT-caused problem as possible.


confirmed happen since bfa


this happened to me on my old laptop, but it didn't require disabling ATT. the first garrison hearth of the day would disconnect me, and subsequent garrison hearths would always successfully take me to my garrison with no change to my addons. sometimes it would work for a day or two afterwards with no issues, and then i would run into the "first garrison hearth" bug again.


can't edit my post, but if you google "garrison hearth disconnect" there've been issues with it for years. i don't believe this is directly related to ATT; if it was, we'd hear a lot more about it.


Two things:

  1. Fresh reboot, start WoW, load straight into Garrison with ATT on? No problem, no disconnect, not even a slow load. Pops right up. This means it is specifically related to the Hearthstone in some way. I also did not have a disconnect when I began the Draenor intro quest line (entering through the dark portal), nor when I loaded to the Garrison area after that intro quest line. So entering Draenor is not the problem, nor is entering the Garrison. It's the stone.

  2. @slumberine I mean, I guess that depends on how you define "directly". You turn the mod off, it works, you turn the mod on, it doesn't. Obviously there is something iffy with how Blizzard is doing the transition (further evidenced by the disconnect resulting in a failed transfer and not putting the stone on cooldown), however the fact still stands that with the mod the problem is present 100% of the the time, and without the mod, it is present 0% of the time.

EDIT: Oh also, you mention "first garrison hearth". I am not sure how the caching works for the game, but it seems that once you have successfully loaded the Garrison once (with or without the mod) the issue disappears for the rest of that client session. However, when I disconnect, I close the game and reload from BlizzardApp because I don't want to type in my email/password manually, which I assume is clearing the cache. Next time this happens I will try to log back in manually and see if immediately recasting the stone (without disabling the mod) results in a successful transfer.

EDIT2: Also you mentioned old laptop, I wanted to be clear that my PC decimates the requirements for WoW but does not have currently have an SSD (mine burned out and I haven't yet replaced it). Session-first-load times are definitely on the longer side in general for BFA/Legion/WOD continents, although very fast after the first load (hence my assumptions about caching). That is probably why we don't hear about this very much--most people have SSDs these days, I'm guessing.


yeah, my old laptop had only an HDD and i ran into disconnects on my first garrison hearth of the day every time i used it, regardless of what addons i was running. i now run WoW off an SSD and don't have any issues with garrison hearthing.

my point with it being not directly related to ATT is people have had this issue for years without ATT (also, in my experience your second garrison hearth should work whether or not you turn ATT off, so disabling the addon should not be required). a google search brought up these results:

• "Disconnects When Using the Garrison Hearthstone" (support article)
• "Teleporting to garrison disconnects me.." — june 17th, 2017; user says resetting their UI worked
• "Anyone else getting disconnects trying to hearth to Garrison?" — july 5th, 2017; a commenter says they've started using their shipyard teleport instead, no fixes but some commiseration
• "MAJOR BUG: Using Garrison Hearthstone disconnects you" — october 26, 2017; comments say it's happened for years
• "Using my Garrison Hearthstone consistently disconnects me and it's really annoying." — january 25th, 2018; user says it had been happening since legion, but resetting their UI sorted the issue
• "Disconnected when Garrison Hearthstone used" — april 7th, 2019; comments suggest turning off pre-loading with /console worldPreloadNonCritical 0 and the user says it works
• "Almost 2020 and you still get dc'd when using your garrison HS" — november 7th, 2019; user mentions addons but doesn't say what they have installed)

a few of these are from well before ATT became a popular addon. i would try turning off preload if that's still an option to see if that resolves it. maybe garrison hearthing specifically triggers an addon reload (perhaps related to the way it generates or loads the user-specific garrison?) and the size of ATT or other large addons causes it to hang?


i have HDD disk and yes happen with bigwigs and littlewigs too they are working in a fix to this BigWigsMods/BigWigs#774


I can at least confirm, in case it helps, this never happened to me, using ATT and other 68 add-ons + elvui.


@metroid112 SSD or HDD?


Any ATT processing taking place once the game is loaded should be entirely RAM-based. The Garrison 'zones' do have large amounts of Things present to potentially add onto any other issue related to loading into the zone. It may be due to in-game API calls being made by the addon as the player zones in, if those require the game engine to access the HDD by not having the results cached during the play session? But narrowing that down is nearly impossible for anyone not running the game on a HDD since the issue has never occurred for me.

Another guess, is that the first time you zone into the Garrison, the game triggers various hidden Quests which ATT detects. Potentially the processing in ATT that happens when a completed Quest is found is able to somehow mix with other factors by which to cause a disconnect when running on an HDD? Again, extremely hard to diagnose and fix without hardware modifications by contributors...

Finally, does this issue still happen reliably with the original means of testing on the latest ATT version? It's possible that logic changes within the addon have indirectly resolved this as well.


this issue stop in my case when i swap my hdd to ssd


I'm using an HDD