Quest Chain Requirements not showing up if already completed quest on previous character.

Kaymoney opened this issue ยท 20 comments


The quest chain requirements window is completely empty on most quests on a mail armor character if I've completed them on a cloth character etc, I'm guessing this will happen with any armor type tho. This is really unfortunate when trying to hunt for all transmog types.

I don't think this is intentional though because some quests that I have completed do not act this way.

This issue goes away if in debug mode or Account Mode (all characters), but obviously not ideal because theres way too many quests in the window then.


Here's some examples of what I'm talking about:

In these quests, its even buggier.. it's showing like two of the pre-req's but saying I've completed the rest of the chain somehow:

Nothing happens if you click on the "Two if by boat" quest to try to expand the list.


it looks like account-wide quest tracking is enabled, which would prevent you from seeing whether quests are incomplete on your specific character.

eta: lol, accidentally hit "close and comment" rather than just "comment" -- if unchecking "account wide" next to quests doesn't fix the problem, feel free to reopen.


I checked that, however I'm not even tracking quests, only transmog unknown appearances from quests.


Also don't have an option to reopen :(


if you're not tracking quests then that's probably why the window is not populating. only quests with additional tracked collectibles will show up as incomplete if you aren't tracking quests.


But that's not true, because I have done this specific quest before on a different character and it showed me all breadcrumb quests leading up to the quest that I needed for collectible (without quests checkmarked). Unless you are saying that it is working as intended and because I completed it on a different character then they will not show up again.


To be clear, I am talking specifically about the quest chain requirements window that you get when you right click a quest you have not completed for a collectible, not the main All the Things window


the quest chain requirements window is a direct port of the data that's available from the main/minilists, and it's intended for quests without additional collectibles to not show up if you aren't tracking quests


I literally just took it lol


i can't duplicate that behavior :\ so i'm not sure


Then how is this screen possible, because this is the screen I am used to seeing (with quests turned off), showing ALL breadcrumb quests, whether they have a collectible attached to them or not.



how old is this screenshot?


Have you enabled the quest chain requirements option that is flagged as beta?


It's not enabled, I tried enabling it to see if it would change anything and nothing happened either.


Also, even if I checkmark "Quests" or "Quests and +Breadcrumbs" the affected windows from above are still empty


i don't know how to debug this; it's an issue with the original quest tracking. if you want to see quests in your popouts for now (until someone with more brainpower than me can figure out wtf is going on), enable quest tracking (+breadcrumbs, if you want), enable the beta nested quest option in the "features" tab, and then /rl your UI.

all the quests you have issues with appear to work fine with those options enabled. when you're done actively questing you can untrack quests/breadcrumbs, but you do have to turn on tracking to see them in the popout. it works largely the same as the old quest tracking, but instead of moving from the top down you go from the bottom up (this way it's easier to plot coordinates if you need to, because it doesn't plot every single quest in the list at once)


Yeah that workaround does fix the issue for now, thanks for looking into it.


@Kaymoney This commit (1d3853e) should adjust the logic enough to accommodate what you were expecting without needing to turn on Quest tracking. I did investigate for a bit to try and make it so that Account-Wide Quests would not interfere with the character-specific progress within the popout quest chain window, but wasn't able to find a viable solution quickly. So I put a note in the tooltip of the Quest Chain Requirements header explaining that Account-Mode Quests will cause the quest chain to show inaccurately.
If you are able to test with the latest git version and provide any feedback, that would be great!


I looked through every outdoor zone (horde and alliance) to see which zones this is affecting and it is quite literally only bugging out in Burning Steppes, Thousand Needles, and Western Plaguelands. Because zones that I know I have completed a million times (i.e Duskwood/Un'goro) are completely fine, working as it always has.

Specifically in Burning Steppes it will not track past the quest "Done Nothing Wrong" or "An Important Lesson" however, this seems to change on a log out basis, as sometimes the window is just completely empty?
In Thousand Needles it will not track past "Two If By Boat"
In Western Plaguelands both windows are completely empty for the quests "Alas, Andorhal" and "Brother Against Brother"

There could be more cases like this but these are the only ones I could find, hopefully that helps?

EDIT : the commit did fix Nested Quest Chains - see below


Sorry, sorry. I didn't reload my UI like a dummy, the Nested Quest Chain Requirements is now working and does not require tracking quests to fix the issue. However it is still strange that all of this is only affecting the above mentioned zones, although not sure if it's still worth keeping on your radar.


Going to close this now because I lately added functionality to make sure that Quest Chain windows would ignore Account-Wide collection. If it's a specific Quest that does not properly show the chain, let's have an issue for that specifically.