Can't move the Profession List

ishirra opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I can not move the Profession List.
It is not locked, and would like to move it to the side of my screen in stead of smack in the middle.

This is how it shows up, and as you can see it is not locked.


I have been able to narrow it down to which addon it conflicts with. Seems Skillet is the one causing the frame to become unmovable.


Skillet doesn't cause the frame to become unmovable, the frame is unmovable because it is attached to Blizzard's TradeSkillFrame and set to unmovable. See lines 14892-14896 in AllTheThings.lua:


Lines 14892 to 14896 in b1f7978

elseif TradeSkillFrame then
-- Default Alignment on the WoW UI.
self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TradeSkillFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0);
self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TradeSkillFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0);

I added 4 lines before 14892 so that it now reads:

			elseif SkilletFrame then
				self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", SkilletFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0);
				self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", SkilletFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0);
			elseif TradeSkillFrame then
				-- Default Alignment on the WoW UI.
				self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", TradeSkillFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0);
				self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", TradeSkillFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0);

This attaches the window to the SkilletFrame instead of the TradeSkillFrame and makes it moveable so that when the Skillet frame is moved, it does as well. Note that if Skillet is not installed this code defaults to the original behavior but if Skillet is installed and disabled ("/skillet standby on") or if the Blizzard TradeSkillFrame is (temporarily) shown by shift-clicking a profession button, the frame will appear, be moveable, but will not be attached to anything.

An exception appears to have been made for TradeSkillMaster (which I couldn't get to work when TSM is in its native mode). A similar exception probably needs to be made for Skillet just as Skillet has code to handle TSM. I will be happy to work with the AllTheThings developers to polish this code.

See also b-morgan/Skillet#8 (comment)


This indeed fixed the problem, thank you very much!


Yeah, the profession window doesn't seem to work with TSM now (again). It just doesn't appear. If you open WoW UI then it appears and stays if you switch to TSM UI.

Someone will probably come and fix it somewhere in the future... I suppose I could put in this fix @b-morgan suggested (thanks!) but I don't have the knowledge to fix TSM and properly restructure the code.


My suggestion regarding TSM is to state that it only works in "WOW UI" mode and just hide the frame if TSM is in "TSM4" mode. I print a chat message that says Skillet only works in "WOW UI" mode (later I figured out how to work with "TSM4" mode but it was painful so Skillet has an option that must be set to work in that mode).

Be happy to share the code that checks the mode and prints the chat message.