Feature Request - Hide PVP trackables

LeviDahl opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi folks, love the addon, probably the thing I interact with most in the game these days.

There are a lot of items that can only be purchased with Marks of Honor that I won't ever (or rarely) try to purchase that just take up space.

I'd like to see if this could be added as an additional filter. I don't know if you can filter out exclusively by currency, or if there's another filtering approach that could be taken.



The longstanding goal of the addon has been to show 'All The Things' and not simply be a 'Some of the Things' list, so filtering Things specifically by the type of in-game activity required to obtain them has so far been a 'No' response as allowing this functionality would inevitably lead to further support questions/complaints and lead to greater difficulty in maintaining the data within the addon as every user could be customizing their lists and we would have far less consistency in knowing why certain Things are or are not visible in screenshots.

But if somehow in the future there ever is the capability of hiding Things arbitrarily in the addon, I'm sure PvP will be the first activity type to be touched as this question is asked quite often.