Request - Profiles

Fizgig1973 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Would it be possible to have a profile setting added?

I have 50 characters currently and use most for collecting. On my main(s) it would be great to have a different setting enabled.

It would also help that issue of the placement and size resetting occasionally.

Thanks for your time!


There's finally been some work put into this feature. It will probably adjust over time as we get further feedback, but the goal right now tentatively is to have the following:

  • Profile selection/maintenance tab
  • Select profile per character
  • Profile either contains both Settings & primary Window positions/sizes OR two separate types of Profiles
  • (Future) Ability to link a Profile to another player in game to import your Settings/Window positioning (similar to a WeakAura)

We will see how things evolve as they are slowly developed.... :)


Thanks so much for your reply. Makes perfect sense.


This was previously a feature long ago, but was implemented in a way that did not work well over time so it was scrapped. Hopefully in the future profiles may see a comeback in a better way, as that is obviously a hugely requested feature as people try to collect in many ways across their characters.

The size/placement is currently handled 100% by the in-game UI management itself, which (imo) has its own set of bugs by not actually remembering the position of Addon elements which are disabled for a play session. In doing a character-based Profile system in ATT, it would be very likely to include a re-work of how window positions are saved per character as well.