Bugfix in ignore boe filters cause it to show undesirable boe recipes

Amethice opened this issue ยท 16 comments


Since 9.1, I can now see recipes that are not valid for my current character (due to being a profession I don't have, or the recipe being known) when I have Recipes checked but not Account Wide, and they go away if I do check the Account Wide checkbox - this behaviour seems to be inverted from what's intended.


Once again, do you have Account Mode enabled or not? If yes, there are no bugs, if no, I will just reopen the issue.
Please, don't open new issues.


Account Mode was not enabled, no. Sorry, should have waited for the response - was a bit of an immediate reaction when the issue was just immediately closed as invalid.
I'll put the settings in here as well:

As mentioned in the other ticket - the only thing I can see in the setting is the "Ignore BoE/BoA Filters", but I haven't changed that setting in months (the only setting I ever change is toggling in and out of account mode sometimes to see if I need to go farm a dungeon on another class), so if it is that setting then its behaviour appears to have changed with the 9.1 update - it may be that it's supposed to act this way and was just broken before, but if so I'd have to admit that it feels like a change for the worse and would ask to have the recipes separated out from the other BoE/BoA items.


I'll try to provide more information soon as needed, though I'm currently stymied by Blizzard EU's login servers being down.


I think you are confusing Account Mode and tracking recipes Account Wide.

Account Mode will show you recipes for professions of your other characters, that's what you are seeing now, check if it's enabled for you.

Tracking recipes Account Wide will "collect" recipes for you if your other character knows them.


Then why is there a new behaviour that tells all my non-tailors that there is a tailoring recipe to buy on a vendor in the zone? This is new behaviour as of the 9.1 addon update, and even if the error isn't in the toggle I thought, there's still definitely a bug there that it doesn't check for the character actually having the profession.


Opening a new ticket since this one is closed on a technicality and the buggy behaviour is still present.


The problem there is that if I track my recipes account wide I will now not know if there is a recipe in the current zone that the current character can learn

You can Show Completed Groups/Collected Things, then you will see these recipes with a different checkmark.


Sure, and then every zone I will need to scroll through a giant list of stuff I have already collected to find the one or two things I am missing. Which means I'm basically using debug mode.

Look, I fully appreciate that fixing this fix would be a lot of extra work. I'm just trying to say that as a user who has a crapton of alts and whose.main reason I'm still in the game is collecting, the filters did what I wanted and needed before that bugfix, and now either way I try to set it up is going to be a major inconvenience unless I go in and manually readd the bug in my build.


The entire point is that I want to hide the things I do not need to collect, which I can no longer do without also hiding things I do need to collect.


Done some more looking into the 9.1 bug fixes, and it looks like I simply need to stop using that checkbox anymore as it also shows items that cannot possibly drop on your character now (like the polymorph tomes for a non mage). It'll mean a little less reliable whe n it.comes to boe farming, but I'll have to live with that if that is the intended design.


All types of Things should be affected by 'Ignore BoA/BoE' and it may not have been properly working before in some cases... it's usually extremely hard to test how changes in logic to account for some situation will end up affecting the hundreds of thousands of other things...

If you can post a screenshot of a specific Item or Thing that you don't believe should be visible, maybe we can provide just a tiny bit more clarity on the logic working as intended or not. But I've not noticed nor seen any other problems/complaints in the current version (latest Git anyway) concerning what you are describing.


@ImUnicke, examples are in #816 and I see mentioned change in behaviour.


I think the change that @Molkree points out cause the option to get an unfortunate duality if you are looking to find everything you need in the zone, for one reason: You want it checked to cover boe transmog that you don't know (since the addon will still filter out known appearances), but it won't filter out which boe recipes are still desirable to get (ideally with the checkbox checked it would know the professions on other alts and whether they know it or not, which would likely balloon addon save data) and which are just a big pile of recipes you can't use. As such, you end up wanting the box checked for transmog coverage, but checking it will clutter your list full of garbage recipes you don't need.

Does that explain the logic of my ticket? In addition, the checkbox ignoring profession requirements don't even help finding recipes for alts since it'll still filter out a recipe that the current alt knows but an alt does not. To me, this means that the "ignore profession requirements" covers a very different use case due to the fact that pretty much all other boes affected by the checkbox are learned accountwide and as such filtered out if not worth obtaining.


I don't see any duality here.

You want it checked to cover boe transmog that you don't know, but it won't filter out which boe recipes are still desirable to get

Well, just track your recipes Account Wide and you won't see recipes that other characters know.

(ideally with the checkbox checked it would know the professions on other alts and whether they know it or not, which would likely balloon addon save data) and which are just a big pile of recipes you can't use

You can say this about transmog as well. "Why do I see these warglaives here, I don't have a DH!"


The problem there is that if I track my recipes account wide I will now not know if there is a recipe in the current zone that the current character can learn, just because an alt on another server already knows it. That problem will never happen with transmog.


My use case is pretty simple as a completionist: if this character can learn or will be learn a recipe, I want to see it. If there is a transmog that I can send to an alt (assuming I have full class coverage on my servers), I want to see it. In a perfect world if it was a boe recipe that my alt could learn and don't have in their bags I'd like to see that too, but that's major wishlist stuff. If it's a recipe that none of my characters can use or a mog I already know, I don't want to see it as it's not something I need to collect.