Massive overlooked flaw in addon

WEEZYPEANUT opened this issue · 5 comments


The biggest flaw that i cannot understand why this has been overlooked is the ability to automatically start with all lists minimised, frankly its how it SHOULD have been designed in the first place, no one wants a massive overwhelming wall of mess to click though, if we are interested in mounts we will click on mounts. how it is currently is just painful to look at or even attempt to navigate.


the ability to automatically start with all lists minimised

Start what? Main list opens minimized after game reload, after that it remembers what headers you have uncollapsed.


the ability to automatically start with all lists minimised

Start what? Main list opens minimized after game reload, after that it remembers what headers you have uncollapsed.

Sorry perhaps wasn’t as clear as i thought. I’m referring to the small list you get that’s only specific to the zone you are in. (personally i don’t use the main ATT window at all, no need) when in a zone the list has all the various tabs: Mounts,pets,toys,achievements all automatically in the open state including their sub categories such as the npc that drops them etc.

This all creates a HUGE endless list which is just horrible to navigate, when they are all closed it’s easy to see if anything’s missing from the zone you’re in by just glancing at the categories in the mini window.

Even if i close all the open tabs once i reload or change zone it defaults back to its open state.


You can manually collapse it and all subheaders using Ctrl+Left Click.


Although that may seem easy it’s very inconvenient to have to do continuously. it would be a massive quality of life improvement to have this as a option in settings.


This used to be an option, but it was breaking a ton of other functionality. It will not be returning.