


==What it does AltTabber is a small addon which will play a notification for the following: *Looking for group *Raid Ready Check *Battleground *World PVP Battleground (Wintergrasp and Tol'Barad) *Brawler's Guild

==Where to get it *[[ | WoW Ace]] - Often Beta quality *[[ | Curse]] - Most updated stable version *[[ | WoW Interface]] - Stable version

==How to get it to work You don't have to do anything to get it to work. It will automatically play sounds for ready checks.

===Commands There is no interface, it just works.

==Known Issues All known issues will be kept at the [[ | WoW Ace]] tracker.

Please use the [[ | WoW Ace]] tracker to file bug reports.

==Wish List Please use the [[ | WoW Ace]] tracker to add suggestions and feature requests.

==Bug Reporting Please use the [[ | WoW Ace]] tracker to file bug reports.