Amalu Soundpack+

Amalu Soundpack+


Soundpack+ by Amalu 

A simple addon that basically adds more sounds to your game. It is useable with most addons like WeakAuras/DBM or BigWigs, that give you the option to set a sound for certen things.

In a recent update I also added a few fonts and statusbar-textures which are also useable with addons like WeakAuras and ElvUI.

Over time I'll add more sounds to this collection.

If you have any suggestions which sound I should add or any kind of question, concerns or trouble, please let me know and sent me a message on Discord: Amalu#6656

Over 200 Sounds as well as many Fonts and Statusbars are already available:

--- Externals ---

  • BoP
  • Darkness
  • Freedom
  • Guardian Spirit
  • Ironbark
  • Life Cocoon
  • Pain Suppression
  • Protection (BoP)
  • Rallying Cry
  • Sacrifice
  • Spellwarding
  • Bloodlust
  • Heroism
  • Time Warp

--- Marks ---

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Silver
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Circle
  • Cross
  • Diamond
  • Moon
  • Skull
  • Square
  • Star
  • Triangle

--- Groups ---

  • All Groups
  • Group
  • Group 1
  • Group 2
  • Group 3
  • Group 4
  • Group 5
  • Group 6
  • Group 7
  • Group 8
  • Group 1 + 2
  • Group 3 + 4
  • Group 5 + 6
  • Group 7 + 8

--- Utility ---

  • 01
  • 02
  • 03
  • 04
  • 05
  • 06
  • 07
  • 08
  • 09
  • 10
  • Add
  • Adds
  • AoE incoming
  • Avoid
  • Bait
  • Beam
  • Behind
  • Bomb
  • Break
  • Buff
  • Burst
  • CC
  • Center
  • Chain
  • Clear
  • Cleav
  • Collect
  • Combo
  • Crowd Control
  • Dance
  • Debuff
  • Dispell
  • Dodge
  • Don't Move
  • Enter
  • Escort
  • Fixate
  • Front
  • Frontal
  • Gate
  • Gather
  • Group up
  • Heal CD
  • Hide
  • High Energy
  • High Stacks
  • Hold CDs
  • Immunity
  • In
  • Intermission
  • Interrupt
  • Invisibility
  • Jump Jump - Kris Kross
  • Jump
  • Kite
  • Knock
  • Left
  • Linked
  • Low Energy
  • Low Stacks
  • Melee
  • Mines
  • Mitigation
  • Move Boss
  • Move
  • Next
  • Orb
  • Out
  • Overlap
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
  • Phase 4
  • Pots
  • Pull
  • Pulled
  • Purge
  • Range
  • Ready
  • Reset
  • Right
  • Run
  • Slef CD
  • Shield
  • Shield up
  • Shield down
  • Slow
  • Slowed
  • Soak
  • Soon
  • Spread
  • Stack
  • Stop
  • Stop cast
  • Stun
  • Swap
  • Switch
  • Targeted
  • Taunt
  • Taunted
  • Transition
  • Trap
  • Turn
  • Void
  • Watch Feet
  • Watch out
  • Wipe

--- Player Abilities ---

  • Countershot
  • Counter Spell
  • Disrupt
  • Kick
  • Mind Freeze
  • Pummel
  • Rebuke
  • Silence
  • Skull Bash
  • Solar Beam
  • Spear Hand Strike
  • Spell Lock
  • Wind Shear
  • Asphyxiate
  • Blind
  • Capacitor Totem
  • Chaos Nova
  • Fel Eruption
  • Freezing Trap
  • Hammer of Justice
  • Holy Word Chastise
  • Imprison
  • Intimidation
  • Leg Sweep
  • Mighty Bash
  • Mortal Coil
  • Paralysis
  • Psychis Horror
  • Quacking Palm
  • Repentance
  • Sap
  • Shadowfury
  • Shockwave
  • Storm Bolt
  • Counsume Magic
  • Mass Dispel
  • Soothe
  • Spellsteal
  • Misdirection
  • tricks of the trade

--- Classic ---

  • Aggro lost
  • Aggro
  • Dead Zone
  • Drinking
  • Durability low
  • Eating
  • Feed Pet
  • Losing Aggro
  • Mana low
  • Out of Mana
  • Pulling Aggro
  • Repair

--- Fun Sounds --- 

  • Ayaya
  • GEIL
  • MAN
  • YES
  • Comboost
  • WOW
  • Yo Servus

- and many more!

--- Fonts ---

  • Amalu Dmg
  • Amalu GNU
  • Amalu Morph
  • Amalu Neuro 1
  • Amalu Neuro 2
  • Amalu Square

--- Statusbars --- 

  • Amalu Bent 1
  • Amalu Bent 2
  • Amalu Bent 3
  • Amalu Bottom
  • Amalu Flat 1
  • Amalu Flat 2
  • Amalu Inside 1
  • Amalu Inside 2
  • Amalu Stripes

--- Icons --- 

  • Death Knight
  • Demon Hunter
  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior

Included in an upcoming update:

  • New Category (Boss Abilities - coming soon™)