A Classic World of Warcraft addon for all you huntards that run out of ammo. If you're somewhat low on ammo and near a vendor that sells it, Ammo Reminder pops up a message reminding you to buy some. Works with arrows and bullets, depending on your equipped weapon type.
Download the latest version (1.1)
In v1, only Horde vendors are fully supported. Only works with hunters.
Works for both Horde and filthy Alliance.
I'll hopefully update this day 1 of classic with stuff that's hard for me to test right now.
/ar or /ammoreminder in chat to bring up the options page
Support bullet vendorsAdd remaining ammo count to reminder messageCheck currently equipped ammo to suggest either bullet vs arrow vendorDisable reminders when passing through on a flight pathDon't remind if ammo amount is over a certain threshold- Reminder when you get into a 5-man group, since you're probably going to a dungeon
- Reminder wherever you are when running really low on ammo
- Configuration options for the previous
32 items Configuration option to change how reminder is displayed (chat, message popup, etc.)Disable for non-hunters- Enable/disable toggle, with per-class settings
When level 60, only remind when in a major city (+config option)Shove all public functions into a class to avoid collisions- Find nearest ammo vendor button/arrow
Mayyybe support alliance scrubs