Announce Pally Assist

Announce Pally Assist


Announce Pally Assist Overview

This very lightweight addon will provide to party and raid an announcement and brief details about casts of:

  • Hand of Protection
  • Hand of Sacrifice
  • Hand of Freedom
  • Hand of Salvation
  • Hand of Purity
  • Devotion Aura

This will allow healers to anticipate reduced damage to the party and allow them to plan heals accordingly. In the author's main raid team, use of this add-on has given a sense of confidence to raid members knowing that something was being done to remediate threat and damage they were experiencing.

This add-on replaces "Announce Righteous Defense" The "Righteous Defense" spell was removed with WoW 5.


There are no controls, no set-up. Very simply, it detects the spell cast and makes an announcement.

Related Add-ons

See also my Announce Resurrection and Announce Misdirect add-ons.