AnnounceTarget PH

AnnounceTarget PH


Announce target PH (powerhandlar)

A small and light addon to quickly announce your targets name, hp % and your coordinates. You may announce any target to any channel, default is rares and worldbosses to channel General (/1).

Useful to let other's know of rare mobs and worldbosses fights so they can join and assist you. Also useful to coordinate groups for rares and other huntingworth mobs.


Drag / Position - Hold shift, left mouse button down on AT logo (to left of button) and drag mouse to reposition as wanted.

/at show - show the announce button

/at hide - hide the announce button

/at set <your button text>- Set the text on the announce button to anything you want (max. 2 words);
e.g. /at set SHOUT will set the Announce button to SHOUT

/at hidename - Hides the addon name in the announcement message (removes any text from the start)

/at showname - Shows the addon name in the announcement message ("AT: " at the start)

/at showname long - Shows the long addon name in the announcement message ("AnnounceTarget: " at the start)

/at rares [on|off] to toggle "rares only"/"all targets" announcement

/at rares (no switch) queries and outputs the actual status

/at force forces singeltime announcing of  the actual target, regardless of "rares" setting above
Ctrl-Clicking (left mouse) on the button also forces singeltime announcing of the actual target without changing "rares" setting

/at channel [channel/no] to switch the output channel to the specified channel - e.g. /at channel 1
/at channel (no switch) queries and outputs the actual configured output channel

This is an authorized fork and further development based on the abandoned AnnounceTarget by TheWebDeveloper v1.2.1 - main credits for this go to him! As this uses the same saved value names as the original addon, do not use both!