Ara Broker Tradeskills

Ara Broker Tradeskills


Addon is working only very limitedly. Rewrites coming soon.

This data broker plugin provides easy access to tradeskills & tracked CDs (now stable, thanks to beta testers ).

Supported languages: English, French, German, Chinese, Korean. Looking for Russian, Italian, Spanish, Latin American Spanish localizations!

The first time you use this addon, you will have to scan for existing CDs, or craft them. Then, CD tracking will be automatic.

Block interactions: - Click to open the last selected tradeskill. - Right-click to access the config menu.

The list has 3 categories: tradeskills, cooldowns and shortcuts. The ingame hints show how you can interact on each entry. Here is a list:

Tradeskill interactions: - Click to open the tradeskill panel. - Shift+Click to link in chat. - Right-click to scan for CDs. - Middle-click to hide it from the list.

Cooldown interactions: - Click to craft; if it's cooling down, it opens the tradeskill panel and scroll to the CD instead. - Right-click to open the tradeskill window and scroll to the CD. - Control+click to set or remove an alias. - Middle-click to remove (only remove ready CD, unless you set the option to bypass this protection).

Shortcuts interactions: - Click to craft. - Shift+Click to craft all. (also works with buttons 4-5 and no modifiers) - Right-Click to open the associated panel and scroll to it. - Control+Click to set or remove an alias. - Middle-Click to remove.

Config menu: - Filter tradeskills (2 filtering levels). - Track a particular profession. - Include ready CDs when scanning: by default, when you scan a profession, it only adds cooling down CDs. - Show/Hide hints. - Show/Hide alts skills. - Show only primary skills in the alt. tooltip (can be combined). - Show only professions that have a craft window (can be combined). - Remove alts data. - Display the number of ready CD (instead of the last selected tradeskill). - Edit signaletic colors (see below).

I went overboard with colors ._. and you can edit 7 different ones: - Headers - Name of interactive skills (with panel) - Name of informative skills (without panel) - CDs belonging to the current player - CDs belonging to an alt. - Last selected skill - Highlight

Default tradeskill signaletic: - Orange entry is the tracked or last selected profession. - Yellow/gold entries have a panel and can be clicked. - Darker yellow/gold entries only provide information (they have no panel).

Default cooldown signaletic: - Yellow/gold entries are CDs owned by the current character. - Darker yellow/gold entries are CDs owned by your other characters.

If you have AddonLoader, the loading of this addon will be delayed. If you have Skinner, this plugin will be automatically skinned. If you have ProfessionsBook, an entry to open it will be added to the list.

Known bug: Broker display will show REAGENTS if the reagents are in your reagent bank, the item however is still craftable, looking for a fix now.