Arathi Calls

Arathi Calls


"Arathi Calls" is an innovative World of Warcraft Classic addon designed to streamline and enhance communication in the Arathi Basin battleground. By providing a quick and intuitive interface for signaling enemy movements and attacks on bases, this addon is an essential tool for any player looking to improve their battleground strategies and team coordination.


  • Quick Alert System: With a simple click, players can alert their team about incoming enemies to any of the five bases in Arathi Basin (Stables, Gold Mine, Lumber Mill, Farm, and Blacksmith), making it easier to mount a swift response.
  • Informational Tooltips: Hovering over the information ("i") icon displays a helpful tooltip, explaining the addon's purpose and offering tips for effective use.
  • Share Feature: A "Share" button within the information tooltip enables players to quickly promote "Arathi Calls" within their instance, spreading the word about this essential communication tool.