


AddOn is finally updated for 7.03 / Legion-Prepatch! I'm back for Legion and hopefully this time/addon I'll be able to maintain and update the addon more frequently! So see you all in Legion! ;)

And as always:

> Please report bugs in the comment section below. Thank you!


Since arcane changed basically with 5.0.4 I decided to write an addon that provides the information you need.

Arcanroo helps you to keep an eye on your mana, your nether tempest dot and your arcane charges.

There are a few commands: (You can use /arcanroo or /aroo)

  • "/aroo hide" or "/aroo h"- to hide the frame
  • "/aroo show" or "/aroo s" - to show it
  • "/aroo lock" or "/aroo l" - to lock it
  • "/aroo unlock" or "/aroo ul" - to unlock it
  • "/aroo +" or "/aroo -" - to change size
  • "/aroo r" or "/aroo reset" - to reset size