Archimonde Raid Buttons (ARB)

Archimonde Raid Buttons (ARB)


Archimonde Raid Buttons (ARB) v2.0

Simple raid buttons for tanks. The buttons announce special instructions to the raid when clicked. - Taunt - announces to and whispers the other tank to taunt (usable oustside Arch fight) - Stack - announces to the raid to stack on the tanks (right mouse button click allows for use outside Arch fight) - Spread - announces to the raid to spread out (right mouse button click allows for use outside Arch fight) - Chains - announces to the raid to break their chains (Arch specific) - Ready - does /readycheck (usable anytime) - Priority - set raid icons (left click to set skull on target; right click to set X on target) (usable anytime) - Tanks - sets raid icons on you and your focus (usable anytime) - Add management - instructs the ranged to use threat transferring skills, such as Misdirection / Tricks of the Trade (usable for any fight where adds are plentiful) - Current theme matches SyncUI theme

Usage : - show the buttons - /arb show - hide the buttons - /arb hide

Features : - Draggable - Panel transparency - 5 instruction buttons - 2 lucky charms buttons - 1 utility button - Dual function buttons - Low memory consumption - Sends messages to /rw if user is raid leader or raid assist, else it sends to /i, /raid, /party or /yell

Todo : - add support for /dbm pull 10 on the ready button - Configuration settings - Allow for custom buttons

3 download locations to choose from : - Github - - Curse - - Curseforge -

Testers needed

Please contact me either on curse, curseforge, github or in-game for information on beta testing