Nameplate Num
In an arena this will switch the name of the enemies on their nameplates to their arena target number.
Extended Debuffs
Will extend the shown debuffs on ally party raid frames to 12 on the left to the left of the party memers frame.
Party Marking
Will automatically throw the most appropriate markers on allys. Can toggle this with /ah toggle to automatically put marks on everyone who joins the party.
Party Sorting
(Currently disabled because of re-sort bug)
Will sort the raid party frames descending with either you on top or bottom always.
PvP Macro Manager
Initially this will create 3 macros starting with the name "ptal s1" "ptal s2" "ptal s3". One for each PvP talent slot. These can be selected to be in the chaaracter specific macro list or general (default). When you change a pvp talent these macros will automatically change to the ability and icon to the new talent. You can change the body of the talent however you'd like and make as many different macros as you'd like as long as they start with the name "ptal s{num}".