Asgard Death Counter

Asgard Death Counter


Death Counter

A WoW Addon to track how many times your character has died, and tell you how long it's been since your last death. Uses actual time since death, not played time.


For any of the commands you can use /dcr as a shortcut for /deathcounter

Command Description
/deathcounter Tell you how many times you have died, and how long you've been alive for.
/deathcounter config Open up the configuration options
/deathcounter help Show a help message with this list of commands.
/deathcounter reset confirm Erase the stats and start fresh. (For debug testing only)

Configuration Options

Use PopUp Alert: Will give the death information in a pop up window so you can't miss it.

Announce Death in Your Guild: Will share the death message in your guild, if you are in one.
