Basically it'll have configurable raid frames you can use or not. The Raid leader and/or assistant will need to use them though. As soon as players join the raid, the raid leader and/or assistants will be able to assign one of the following roles role to each member. - Tank (MT or OT's) - Melee DPS - Ranged DPS - Healer (Raid, MT or OT Healer)
The Raid leader can also assign tasks to specific players, which they can see when clicking on a button, filtered for them or show all task for the raid group.
For every role, the Aspiration addon will have different things.
For tanking, i'm gonna convert ReliantTM. Tanks will be able to decide between each other who the MT is and who will tank what target. If someone claims a target, and another tanks want it, the MT of the raid can decide if a roll out find place to determine who tanks the target.In this very essence the MT is a mini raidleader inside the raid.
DPS and Healers will get additional features usefull for their area. (to be decided)