- 1
BCC - Pagination Missing
#38 opened by holicraap - 1
BCC - Can't sell "of the ###" items
#39 opened by holicraap - 0
Disable startup message
#40 opened by Bonkeybee - 2
Error: Too many (11) restarts of scan for 210880 -> 210867 auctions, aborting, please report!
#41 opened by gustavo-momente - 1
[Feature] Trying to add 'Market Value' price source
#42 opened by KevinTyrrell - 1
/ahdb config wont open
#43 opened by Nerdord - 0
distributed mode
#6 opened by mooreatv - 0
postpone loading the db to AH open time/use
#7 opened by mooreatv - 1
misc logging issues
#8 opened by mooreatv - 1
make sure we have unique items in db
#9 opened by mooreatv - 0
add progress bar
#1 opened by mooreatv - 0
add button for sorting
#2 opened by mooreatv - 0
add some frame with results/stats/data/...
#3 opened by mooreatv - 1
check minbid vs bid behaviour
#4 opened by mooreatv - 0
play sound when AH is up for scan again
#5 opened by mooreatv - 0
bug fix for classic
#10 opened by mooreatv - 2
classic: tainting/blocking error when trying to hide button at combat
#11 opened by mooreatv - 4
Only prompt for scanning AH when in rested area or area that is known to have an AH
#12 opened by TheRealMaxion - 1
Enter key default keybinding preventing chat
#14 opened by korbelz - 2
Spacebar default keybind is preventing jumping
#13 opened by korbelz - 0
complaints about button showing up in inns
#16 opened by mooreatv - 0
the warning that we can't scan yet should not be shown every AH open
#15 opened by mooreatv - 1
Dependency Missing
#17 opened by chasebrock - 2
Data analysis
#19 opened by mooreatv - 2
wrong price (!)
#18 opened by mooreatv - 2
Tooltip prices
#24 opened by choigit - 2
AHDB offline mode not implemented yet, confusing
#25 opened by ltmote - 1
add ability to customize tooltips
#26 opened by davidnield - 1
support sexymap
#20 opened by mooreatv - 0
option to not bind any key
#21 opened by mooreatv - 29
Add option to disable minimap button
#22 opened by maickel - 12
"A streaming error has occured (WOW51900322)" When scanning the AH first time
#23 opened by c11epm - 0
add market value calculation to tooltip
#27 opened by fireundubh - 2
AuctionDBSaved = {["itemDB_2"]
#28 opened by alex93skr - 0
user request: no periodic scan text
#29 opened by mooreatv - 1
don't recreate the button at each PEW event
#30 opened by mooreatv - 3
Where is the Database?
#31 opened by ChrisPasda - 1
Strange scanning behavior
#32 opened by jshellen - 0
Bfa support
#33 opened by robisaks - 1
ItemMinLvl, CreationTime, ItemLvl
#34 opened by naazz1992 - 1
AuctionDB spams chat
#35 opened by Martan404 - 10
AHDB not able to finish scan
#36 opened by nt74 - 0
Document or add UI for vendoring information
#37 opened by mooreatv