- 2
database corrupted was the warning
#1617 opened by Signorwolf - 1
Items list on the right
#1616 opened by Anatharias - 1
Tracked Repost option?
#1614 opened by Wyr3d - 2
Suffix removal Filter
#1613 opened by Wyr3d - 5
full scan stoping at 99% and cant load any item via shoping tab
#1612 opened by Orestikus - 2
changed prices are not saved.
#1611 opened by migzlv - 1
Strings untranslated
#1610 opened by anon1231823 - 2
Cancelling tab > sort by quantity > error loop spam and doesn't perform function
#1609 opened by GiurlaniDev - 0
"To Craft" calculated sum is completely wrong in any Crafting Order if any mats are provided by customer.
#1608 opened by LStranger - 1
[Feature Request] Use trimmed mean price instead of cheapest to avoid AH scammer low prices in profit calculation
#1607 opened by StanoRiga - 3
Scan progress ends at 60%
#1606 opened by AliStarr - 3
Anniversary error: attempt to index field 'rowData' (a nil value)
#1605 opened by Bogdanov89 - 1
Lua Warnings after 19/11/2024 update
#1604 opened by Gokec - 1
SoD 1.15.5 xml errors on loading
#1603 opened by mrbuds - 1
Show in Item UI Max Stack Size
#1602 opened by HugoBalbino - 1
Not selecting single items while buying
#1601 opened by Silvenmyst - 1
Please, filter out provided reagents from calculations of "To Cratf".
#1600 opened by LStranger - 1
Shortcut for Shopping Tab Confirmation Dialog Accept Button
#1599 opened by ArenfeIdt - 0
Request: Usable Items Filter
#1598 opened by PowlH4 - 14
Option to ignore bait listings in search results, crafting cost and price history
#1597 opened by hollo6 - 1
#1596 opened by Hose2560 - 1
Search Results weird
#1595 opened by sauljaffe - 1
Undercut Scan Not Scanning All Listings
#1594 opened by TStevens13 - 1
Blacked out tabs... and more
#1593 opened by Stankydots - 1
Please add shopping list function
#1592 opened by AsiaChampion - 1
Issues with posting secret sauce
#1591 opened by wheatbread - 1
Auctionator gets confused when posting crafted items that have random stats & blue procs
#1590 opened by NathanHawks - 1
Issues with GW2
#1589 opened by BlastBlaster17 - 0
Addon option to buy Forged Forged Combatant's Heraldry
#1588 opened by Machou - 2
Feature request: default the price has increased message to the price not quantity
#1587 opened by Lana-L - 1
Constant Moneyframe error
#1586 opened by speedweaver - 1
Better Tooltip Control . Shared Popular Tradeskill Addons (API)
#1585 opened by BodySame - 1
Lokal Error
#1584 opened by Roktak - 1
Bug buying some stuffs
#1583 opened by HugoBalbino - 1
RFC - Countersniper (AKA "Bait Muncher")
#1582 opened by Debuggernaut - 1
Option to only show highest coin in tooltip
#1581 opened by LiamGBR - 0
Data export beyond minimum buyout for shopping list Export Results
#1580 opened by mx - 1
Quantity Filter for commodities
#1579 opened by Cenalian - 1
#1578 opened by hz24645181 - 3
Unable to list items via Auctionator
#1577 opened by tragicshot - 1
Adding an option for search to be, by default, the "current expansion" instead of "any"
#1576 opened by YetAnotherDevWannabe - 5
Is Auctionator supposed to work the same in Cata Classic as in retail
#1575 opened by speedweaver - 0
Can I have the Price histories option show the price tags for different periods of the same day? (Like the price recorded every time a full scan is performed?)
#1574 opened by UlciscereZ - 1
"Armor" section is missing on the "Selling" tab
#1573 opened by Dyla42 - 3
Inconsistent in showing tooltip price in crafting orders
#1572 opened by wheatbread - 0
Treat reagent quality specified as minimum, not an exact match
#1571 opened by Slackluster - 1
Reduce spacing between tabs (Browse, Bids, Auctions, etc.) at the bottom of the Auction window moveable
#1570 opened by aristoblis - 0
Clickability of last item in big shopping list
#1568 opened by Cobrya - 2
Pet price from different breed not showing up when posting
#1567 opened by hollo6 - 1
Auctionator not showing up on add on list
#1566 opened by TheTrashMan42