

Browse Tab

Browse Tab

Search by item name, distilling all common auctions into a single list entry. Shift-click to select multiple auctions or use the Smart-Select box to find the cheapest combination (shown here finding 22 Silk Cloth) and then buy away!
View Your Current Auctions

View Your Current Auctions

View and cancel your currently-posted auctions here. Note that Auctipus only currently lists your first 50 auctions; this limit will be removed in a future update!
Item Tooltips

Item Tooltips

Show the most-recent auction house buyout for an item directly on its tooltip to help you decide if something is vendor trash or should be disenchanted!
Search Filters

Search Filters

Select combinations of filters for easy searching. Here, our intrepid level 29 mage finds all usable 1H swords and daggers.
Price History

Price History

Do full auction house scans and use the line graph to plot price changes over time. Usable even when out in the open world by using the "/auctipus" slash command!
Search History and Favorites

Search History and Favorites

Create favorite searches using the current search criteria with an easily-accessible dropdown. View past searches from the history menu.
Ignore Scammers

Ignore Scammers

Right-click an auction to display a menu to ignore that seller whenever they show up in search results. Defeats scammers!
Create Auctions

Create Auctions

Easily create multiple auctions, with a handy list of comparable auctions displayed as soon as you select an item to auction. All auctions will be created with a single mouse click!