This add-on introduces lots of quality of life improvements for players who use a controller, group with friends or want to automate much of their gameplay experience.
This add-on provides help by:-
- Simplifying or automating actions that would usually need a mouse or keyboard.
- Automating many aspects of grouping with friends, such as invites, marking, assigning leadership...etc.
- Improve the interface additional customisation options not offered by "Edit Mode".
- Improve player and raid frames with extra visuals for debuffs, level, class...etc.
- Enable or disable any feature below.
- Auto pick-up/share/complete quests.
- Auto sell unwanted junk.
- Auto repair.
- Auto adding of friends to all your characters.
- Auto invite or accept friends into to your group.
- Auto marking of friends in small groups.
- Auto accept non-battle resurrections.
- Key binds for selecting NPC dialog options.
- Key binds for confirm/cancel popup dialogs.
- Key binds for common actions such as ready check, logout, leave party, remove offline party members, hearthstone and lots more.
- Key binds to toggle showing/hiding of various UI components.
- Move, hide and scale UI components not covered by Edit Mode.
- Improve party and player raid frames to display extra information such as Debuff colour highlighting, level, class icons, raid marks and more.
- Restore chat logs from previous sessions.
- View gold summary of all characters on a server.
- Track items on all characters.
- Create key binds directly to macros without placing them on your bars.
- Quickly send messages to your party using a chat browser to select from pre-made chat messages.