Auto Emote Responder

Auto Emote Responder


Auto Emote Responder

Discord server:


Set responses to targeted emotes 

Basic guide for usage:

Open the options menu with /ae or /autoemote

Left column lists the emote that you are targetted with

Text box in the middle lets you set the emote you want to use in response. An example you could type in "slap" without quotations and it will do the slap emote. You can set custom responses in here as well by starting the line with "me" without quotations. Write it in the same format that you would do a regular /me emote afterwards. You can also place the word PLAYER in the custom emote and check the box off for target and it will include the players name who invoked the response at whatever point in the sentence you place it.

Right checkbox lets you select if you want the emote to target the player who originally targeted you or not. An example if you set Laugh as your response to someone named John who slaps you, unchecked it will do "You Laugh" and checked it will do "You laugh at John"

If you find any responses aren't working or any targeted emotes that aren't listed please join the discord server and let me know so I can update the add-on, I've done my best to find all of the available emotes but every list I found was incomplete.