Automatically sets your guild note with information about your character, unless your guild rank contains "alt" in its name. To enable it use /agn enablealts, and to disable it back use /agn disablealts.
How to use
- Type /agn fields in the chatbox
- Choose the fields that you're interested in having written to the guild note
- For each of the chosen fields type /agn fields toggle [field] (without the square brackets) where [field] is the id of the field (the first column from the previous command). Note that the guild note is limited to 31 characters, so don't enable too many fields
- (Optional) If you're an Officer in your guild, type /agn writeconfig to force all the other members that use the addon to use the same configuration as you. This will modify your guild info adding a line similar to AGN^HIPV:0^
Example usage
/agn fields
[INFO] HonorLevel - The player's current honor level - disabled
[INFO] ItemLevel - The player's equipped item level - disabled
[INFO] PvPBracket - The player's current best pvp rating and the respective bracket - disabled
[INFO] Versatility - The player's current versatility % bonus - disabled
[INFO] Specialization - The player's current specialization - disabled
/agn fields toggle HonorLevel
[INFO] Enabled field 'HonorLevel'
/agn fields toggle ItemLevel
[INFO] Enabled field 'ItemLevel'
/agn fields toggle PvPBracket
[INFO] Enabled field 'PvPBracket'
/agn fields toggle Versatility
[INFO] Enabled field 'Versatility'
/agn writeconfig
[INFO] Trying to write config to guild info
[INFO] Setting own public note to 'HL26/i209/CR1404(2v2)/v17%'
Available Commands
- /agn - show help
- /agn debug - enables/disables debug messages
- /agn enable - enables automatically setting the guild note
- /agn disable - disables automatically setting the guild note
- /agn writeconfig - writes the config to the guild note
- /agn fields - lists all available fields and their status
- /agn fields toggle [field] - toggles the field identified by [field]
- /agn enablealts - enable setting note for alts
- /agn disablealts - disable setting note for alts
Bug Reporting
- Enable Lua errors by typing /console scriptErrors 1
- Enable AutoGuildNote's debug mode by typing /agn debug
- Use AutoGuildNote as you would normally to trigger the error/bug
- Send me the chat logs and/or the Lua errors that you encountered
- Disable AutoGuildNote's debug mode by typing /agn debug again
- (Optional) Disable Lua errors by typing /console scriptErrors 0
Contact me on Discord - Psioniax#7809
Note: I am the owner of the same project published on WoWInterface