Auto PvP Flag

Auto PvP Flag


This addon allows you to automatically enable or disable the PvP flag when you enter or leave a dungeon/raid/arena/bg instance.

It is intended to solve a problem on Classic WoW PvE servers where you can't group heal or group buff PvP flagged players while not flagged yourself. Therefore, default settings are to enable PvP when entering and disable PvP when leaving an instance (disabling still requires 5min to take effect).

However, you can change that behavior to whatever you want:

/autopvpflag onenter <enable/disable/ignore>
/autopvpflag onleave <enable/disable/ignore>

E.g. the following will disable PvP when you leave an instance but won't change anything when you enter (for manual activation):

/autopvpflag onenter ignore
/autopvpflag onleave disable