Addon for managing which buffs to dispell from your character.
Available commands:
/autod or /ad - Prints this help menu.
/ad profiles - Lists all profiles.
/ad profiles add Profilename - Adds a new profile.
/ad profiles remove Profilename - Removes a profile by name (or index).
/ad profiles select Profilename - Selects a profile to be used by name (or index).
/ad buffs - Lists all buffs to be dispelled for the current profile.
/ad buffs add Buff Name - Adds a buff to the profile, for instance: /ad buffs add Blessing of Salvation
/ad buffs remove Buff Name - Removes a buff from the profile by name (or index: /ad buffs rm 2)
/ad alert enable / disable (or on / off) - Enables or disables alerting players who cast the buff on you (default is off)."
/ad alert add Custom Alert Message - Sets a new alert message.
/ad verbose enable / disable (or on / off) - Show a message when a buff was removed.
/ad enable / disable (or on / off)- Enables or disables the addon.
Please report bugs to: [email protected]