



This addon makes follow stick through changing zones/dungeon portals and other things that break follow.
It works by refollowing who you specify every few seconds.

If you are following a friend and need to go afk just do /af and it will keep refollowing them every 2 seconds so if follow breaks they can come back and pick you up.

Type "/af" with someone targeted to start following.
Or type or macro "/af playername" to start following.
To stop type "/af stop".

Type "/af config" to open the options.
Option to choose the seconds interval between refollows (default 2 seconds).
Option to pause follow when drinking/eating (enabled by default).
Option to pause follow when casting a spell (enabled by default).
Option to pause refollow when moving your character manually via movement keys (enabled by default).
Option to pause refollow when holding shift key down  (enabled by default).

Will refollow instantly after finished drinking/eating if pause option is enabled.
Will refollow instantly after finished casting/channeling a spell if pause option is enabled.

Warning: Blizzard have broken addons being able to use /follow because of dungeon boosters so this no longer works, I can't fix it sorry. :/