Automated Eat Drink Macro Changer

Automated Eat Drink Macro Changer


This Addon works in a similar fashion to the Healthstone Auto Macro (where I got my inspiration from). It maintains a single macro for the item to be consumed. When a new food item is picked up or consumed the macro will automatically be updated with the new possible consumables to eat or drink. The biggest advantage is that this is one button that allows you to quickly consume the item you want depending on the situation (e.g. quick mana regen in M+) without having to maintain several slots for consumables.

The macro defaults to a food with mana+health regen without providing a well fed buff (which is good for quick topping off in M+). If there is mage conjured food in your bags that will take priority over other permanent items such as Ethereal Pomegranate, etc. The priority is firstly on food from quests rewards (one time pick-ups), then on crafted food (using cooking) and lastly on vendor bought food. This was done to help with bag cleanup without having to vendor off/destroy perfectly good food items :)

By holding the modifier keys other foods with well fed buffs will be consumed as follows:

Shift: Haste food

Ctrl: Mastery food

Alt: Pure mana regen (no well fed buff or health regen)

Ctrl+Shift: Stamina food

Alt+Shift: Versatility food

Alt+Ctrl: Crit food

Alt+Ctrl+Shift: Pure health regen (no well fed buff or mana regen)

By holding down the corresponding modifier key(s) the macro will update the button to show what item would be consumed and how many of those are currently in your bags.

The addon will update upon login as well as when a food or drink item is picked up or consumed. The macro will automatically be created upon login if it does not already exist (provided a free global macro slots is available).

How to set it up:

1. Install Addon

2. Login to game

    - An empty macro called "AEDMbutton" will be created

3. Move the macro to the desired locations on your action bars.

The Addon is currently limited to all types of mage conjured foods as well as higher level shadowlands foods and drinks (40k+ regen).